BibleSnippet 15

BibleSnippet 15: Armageddon when? How much longer?  All our life we have been told that God was going to bring total destruction upon this world when a war called Armageddon comes. More and more people today ridicule Christians that still cling to that message. Why are Christians “hanging on to that”, when God’s war is nowhere in sight?

Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.​—1 Thess. 5:2.

Christians today have more faith than ever before that Armageddon is just around the corner. Yes, they are surer than they have ever been throughout their long wait!  See why in the Podcast “Are We Living in “the Last Days”

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– “Will Armageddon Ever Come?” –
That’s the title of today’s short BibleSnippet. If this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that does, (sent by a friend who lovingly cares).

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When reading the Bible seems overwhelming, you might consider reading our daily Snippets. Meanwhile, if it be God’s will may He bless your day, and may it prove to be a great one. Christian love —Doug.


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