How to Understand the Bible

How to Understand the Bible and Allow it to Lead Us to a Better Life

If you’re wondering how to understand the Bible from the standpoint of Pure Worship, you’re not alone. Navigating the depths of the Bible to uncover the essence of Bible truths can seem to be somewhat exhausting.

There can be many reasons for this. Firstly, many of us have acquired a Bible only to find it later untouched and collecting dust on a shelf. Next, many people feel they need help when it comes to understanding the Bible. But where can you find help?

Seeking guidance that enriches us with a better understanding of God’s word can lead us to a happier life. This can also seem daunting, especially amidst the diverse religious beliefs and interpretations within religion today.

Let’s take a quick look at the problem here and see why.

It Can Be Likened To This

Have you ever begun a new exercise regimen? It may begin by us acquiring the latest and best gadget, perhaps through a late-night TV ad. However, we may find that after doing this a while, these new toys have been tucked away and never thought of again. Sadly, reading and understanding the Bible can be like that. The solution, however, could be as simple as having someone to exercise with or to study the Bible with. Having someone help us can move us forward to a more joyful life! Does the Bible suggest we find help?

Yes, in Acts 8:31 (below), it teaches us the pattern that God has given us. There, Philip, the evangelizer, helped a man to understand the Bible with clarity who progressed to Baptism. God set the pattern this way for the sake of complete unity among His people.

Acts 8:31;
The man replied, “How can I [understand], unless someone instructs me?” And he urged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him.” (the NLT Bible).
The above passage illustrates that God wants us to learn from His people and help those who seek learning.

A Crucial Point

This is a crucial point. Unlike exercising, gaining Bible knowledge through God’s people, who call on you, will build our relationship with God. Additionally, it helps us to think more in terms of Pure Worship rather than one’s religion. This helps us to curve the use of the word ‘religion’ in our vocabulary. Ultimately we simply think in terms of Pure Worship to God. Furthermore, our relationship with God can mean everlasting life. For Jesus said in John 17:3, “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” From this text we learn that our everlasting life begins here. This began the pattern which allowed true Bible knowledge to spread worldwide. God taught Jesus. In return, His son taught his 12 apostles. Together, with his disciples, their teachings of Pure Worship spread throughout the world.

What Knowledge Does for Us

We learn from John 17:3, knowing God means comprehending what He requires of our worship to Him. We do this in unity through His son and the teachings of his disciples. Following their pattern of Pure Worship to God, it brings us everlasting life, with a much happier life, now and forever.

Learning about God continued all the way to the last apostle, John. After the death of this last apostle, biblical understanding began to take a turn with the introduction of man’s views. This is when Christian unity went south, and the word ‘religion’ began gaining new meaning. How so? Because, at that time how many Christian religions were there? Only one! However, with every new religion that came about over the centuries, the importance of Pure Worship began to fade.

Is this teaching really in line with the Bible? Yes, but first, consider this.

Have You Considered…This?

Have you considered the profound simplicity in Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:25? In this moment of heartfelt prayer, Jesus prayed to his God and Father. This is what he prayed: “. . . I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.

This scripture also reads as follows: “. . .  these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” the NIV Bible.

How Does God Reveal His Word to These Little Children?

He leads His child-like people to your door by means of His angels, who oversee this type of work. He also uses many other means that allow these childlike ones to reach you.

However, we must not overlook the fact that this scripture also teaches us that we have to do something ourselves. We must also become childlike, by listening to Pure Worshipers when they call on us. We can do this by setting aside time for them each week to visit you and listening.

I cannot stress this enough. When someone who knows their Bible calls on you, listen to what they have to say. I am now 76 years of age, and I have been a devout Bible student since 1973. During this long period of time, I can’t tell you how many people, whom I contact for Bible study, will hardly allow me to get a word in edgewise. Why is this? It’s because some feel they need to carry the conversation. However, not that I do not enjoy listening to them, because I do. It seems that it is best to listen and only speak pertaining what’s being taught. This is just my thoughts on this matter; my two-cents worth.

Who Are These Wise or Intellectual Ones that Jesus Spoke So Negatively About?

We have already seen who the ‘young-children-like-ones’ are that Jesus spoke of. They are those people, who, like children, follow Jesus’ direction. One way they do this is by them humbly and respectfully coming to your door. They set up Bible carts in areas where you may be throughout your busy day. Or they may also greet you in the doctor’s office, or in the grocery store. Often times, they will hand you their contact-card, with their website listed in it. These child-like ones are trained to find open-minded people who have a love of God, and would welcome a witness.

An Example

But not so with the wise and intellectual ones. Perhaps, an example will help show you what Jesus meant when calling them wise and intellectual. I remember teaching my children how to throw a cast net when fishing. They eagerly listened to everything I told them. On the other hand, I took my 40-year-old uncle, and he seemed to want to show me how it’s done. But unlike my uncle, every week, in our mid-week Christian meetings, I am constantly reminded of how adults can be child-like, when training them to be better ministers of God. Yes, each week we obediently allow our Ministry School to train us for the ministry work. This is the work that Jesus left us to do at our congregation meetings.

Some, however, like my 40-year-old uncle, seem to always know more than us. Could this type of person be who Jesus was speaking of so negatively? Jesus gives us a clue as to who these men are today. They can be likened to those men whom he spoke of in Matthew 23:2: Jesus said, “The scribes and the Pharisees [religious leaders of that day] have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.” Yes, these ‘scribes and Pharisees‘ give us a wonderful preview as to who these wise and intellectual ones could be today.

A Free Bible Study Course

Would you welcome a call from a Pure Worshiper of God? One who is trained and qualified to teach you God’s word? We now have approximately nine-million worshipers around the globe. These worshippers, male and female, are always ready to teach you how to understand your Bible. This is how it works. Fill out the form on the bottom of this page. A qualified minister/instructor will then contact you. At this point keep checking your junk mail for their response. If you have no response within 3 days, try again. Mail servers are so busy trying to weed out junk mail that they sometime will weed out the mail we want.

When you receive our response be sure to write your instructor back because he or she must verify that you are a real person before the can offer you their Zoom ID or login info.

Next: They will personally setup a Bible study course with you, while at the same time, they will locate and contact a qualified minister in your area, male or female, based on your preference. The minister, from your area, will bring you a free Bible if you need one for the study course. He or she can also help you find new friends in your area. Friend, who like yourself, have a love of God and will really be an encouragement to you.

So don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to learn how to understand your Bible. You’ll make new friends you can count on to help you every step of the way. Begin by filling out this form now. Don’t delay!

Not Convinced Yet? Continue…

It seems logical to believe, in spite of the many religions we see worldwide today, that there is truly only one true form of pure worship in our day. Pure worship may exist among some, regardless of their religion. Providing that, if they could, they would be seeking that one form of pure worship. In other words, they wish to know a group of pure worshipers that God is gathering now in order to enjoy that paradise that Jesus spoke of while on earth.

But you may ask: why only one pure form of worship? Because this aligns with the nature of the true God. The Bible says that God is not a God of disorder. No, but rather, He is a God of peace, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 14:33 which reads: “For God is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As in all the churches [or congregations] of the saints” [that is, God’s chosen people who gather for pure worship to Him]. (the AMP Bible)”

Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth

Additionally, Jesus Christ referred to those who practice pure worship as worshiping God in the spirit and in truth. This indicates that worship that is pure, is also in line with the truth, and that it is not contradictory. Jesus states in John 4:23-24: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (the NIV Bible).

In this scripture, Jesus is clearly teaching us that as we read God’s word, we must allow God’s holy spirit to give us the understanding that God intended. And understanding that our heart, which is wicked and deceitful, could misinterpret the intended meaning.

Today, however, many are confused by the existence of so many different religions. This is to the point that some even wonder if pure worship even exists. Rest assured it does.

Whether you’re seeking clarity on how you can improve your worship, looking for guidance in your spiritual journey, or just simply curious about understanding the Bible’s map of pure worship, you’ll find that our website offers valuable insights and practical tools to help you understand the Scriptures while applying its timeless teachings to your life.

The Benefits of Understanding the Bible and Improving Our Pure Worship

Understanding the Bible will improve your personal relationships, give you a greater sense of purpose, and deepen your connection with God. It will also help you understand the real meaning of life and what the afterlife will bring. It additionally brings understanding to ethical issues that are so relevant in today’s world.

The main benefit for understanding the Bible and gaining pure worship, in my opinion, is that it will bring you much closer to almighty God as your personal friend!

For have you not read what God can do for His people!‘ Yes, the Bible tells us about the power of Our God with the following: “did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?” (see 2 Chronicles 20:7; the NIV Bible)
This scripture shows how God’s mighty acts expelled the inhabitants of the land who were considered to be powerful people. He then permanently bestows it upon the descendants of Abraham, just as God promised Abraham He’d do. He calls Abraham His friend, highlighting the enduring covenant and the special relationship between God and His people. It shows what God can do for all His people in the near future.

God’s People, They Will Find You

The scripture in 2 Chronicles shows us the power that God can put to use for His people. Referring to those people who are trying hard to allow Him to lead them to pure worship, did you notice that this is accomplished through the line of people whom God has appointed to lead them? Today, this line of Pure Worshipers are the people who do not mind giving up their Saturday mornings to call on you at your door, or hand you a contact card while you are at the doctor’s office, or some other place that you may be reached.

We here at are dedicated to helping you become God’s real friend by teaching you how to understand the Bible’s map of pure worship. This is our only source of gaining the pure worship that God so rightfully deserves through the one faith the Bible speaks of. See Ephesians 4:5.

Now, let’s consider an illustration of ’12-Unbiased Men’. This illustration will help you see why we have more than 45,000 Christian religions and denominations today.

12 Unbiased Men

If we took 12 unbiased men, who were seeking how to understand the Bible, and we gave them the instructions to read the Bible thoroughly and write down the doctrines that the Bible teaches to gain pure worship for true Christians, we would likely end up with 12 unique sets of doctrines. Hence, each man would have his own opinion as to what the Bible says about pure worship. Would you not agree?

Now, let’s say we brought these 12 unbiased men together and asked them to combine their unique sets of doctrines into one set that they could all agree on, so that people everywhere could know how to understand the Bible. After a period of time had passed, what would we find these men doing? Agreeing or disagreeing?

If your answer is agreeing, then you are truly an optimistic person.

What I wish to effectively convey here is the central idea that, when left alone, even with unbiased men, seeking the path to Pure Worship from the Bible can still add to the diversity between their beliefs and interpretations. Therefore, for us to maintain complete unity and agreement among millions of worshipers means our getting help from another Pure Worshiper and keeping that connection. It means we must recognize who Jesus has put in charge today and support their effort (see Matthew 24:45 below). Yes, we must make that connection just as the Bible directs us to do with the Ethiopian eunuch as seen in Acts 8:26-31 below.

Supporting Scriptures

Matthew 24:45
Who then is the faithful and wise slave whom the master has put in charge of his household slaves to give them their food at the right time?” (the LEB Bible). The MEV Bible puts it this way…
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master has made ruler over his household to give them food at the appointed time?
Here in Matthew 24:45, Jesus is teaching us that when he leaves this earth to return to his father, he would appoint a “faithful and wise servant” and make them “ruler over his [entire] household “, to oversee the feeding of his entire household. This servant began with his faithful apostles. Today, Jesus said we’d recognize them by their fruits. That is, the fruits of the spiritual food they put out to us all. (see Matthew 7:15-20)

More To Consider About How We, as Pure Worshipers, Connect as One

Acts 8:26-31,”However, Jehovah’s angel spoke to Philip, saying: “Get up and go to the south to the road that runs down from Jerusalem to Gazʹa.” (This is a desert road.) With that he got up and went, and look! an Ethiopian eunuch, a man who had authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopian, and who was in charge of all her treasure. He had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and he was returning and was sitting in his chariot, reading aloud the prophet Isaiah. So the spirit said to Philip: “Go over and approach this chariot.” Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” He said: “Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me?” So he urged Philip to get on and sit down with him.” (the NWT Bible).
Acts 8:26-31 was not recorded in God’s word for our entertainment. It sets the pattern for Pure Worshipers today, to learn, and to be linked together, as one united group worldwide. Jesus’ apostles were already in charge as that “faithful and wise servant” and they were feeding and directing Jesus’ disciples. Under the guidance of the angels and Holy Spirit, and with the food Philip had been given by the apostles, he helped this Ethiopian eunuch to Baptism. Likewise, Pure Worshipers are following the direction of this wise servant and are doing the same today.

How Pride, Prestige and Seeking Monetary Gain, Can Turn Man into having a Bias View, which only Makes Seeking Pure Worship More Difficult and Confusing—When Trying to Figure out How to Understand the Bible

Now, I’ll ask you again, do you think we’d find these 12 men, from our above illustration, all agreeing on the teachings found in the Bible if we added in the bias, the pride, prestige, and monetary gain we find some among the clergy class of Christendom fighting for today?

Now, let me also ask this: what would we find if we placed these 12 men in the period of time following the death of the last apostle? This would be around 100 CE, which was the end of the Apostolic period and our first century. This was a prime time for men who wanted to seek pride, prestige, and monetary gain for themselves, using Jesus Christ and his teachings as their means to do so.

With that said, if we could place these 12 men in the period right after the death of the apostles, we’d find the beginning of all Christian churches within Christendom today. This would include the estimated 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide.

A Report from Another Source

This is in accordance with a report written by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, the Professor of Global Christianity and Mission, entitled Christianity is Fragmented – Why? In his report, Dr. Johnson stated, “We estimate that Christians are now found in nearly 45,000 denominations. These range in size from millions of members to fewer than 100 members and are listed for each of the world’s 234 countries in our World Christian Database.”

He went on to report, “Throughout the history of Christianity, followers of Christ have struggled to express solidarity and unity. Jesus’s prayer in John 17 was an indication that divisions might be a problem in the nascent community. While multiple expressions of Christianity have existed from the earliest days of the church, the most serious disagreements resulted in splits that propelled different traditions of Christianity in divergent directions. The earliest splits occurred over culture, doctrine, and ecclesiology. Later splits seemed to be based in the idea that each Christian should decide for themselves what “church” should look like.

So, we must ask, if our 12 Unbiased Men pictures Christendom’s church leaders today, why, after all this time, do they still have so much disunity among themselves? Simply put, Christendom’s leaders do not recognize, nor do they care to recognize the “faithful and wise servant” of today. They have put themselves in the seats of these “wise and intellectual ones” that Jesus spoke so derogatorily of, (See the heading “Have You Considered…This?” above).

But not so with Pure Worshipers. They are eager to learn who they are and how they can follow their direction.

How to Understand the Bible When Challenging or Seemingly Impossible.

So, what do you think? Based on all of the above, do you think it’s challenging to find real Bible truth? Or do you think it’s impossible to understand the Bible today? The answer is clear; it would be absolutely impossible, given all the above, if it were left up to man. But God has not left it up to man; no… not at all.

God sent us his son Jesus. Jesus in turn left a small group of men in charge of feeding us spiritual food. Before Jesus left, he taught us that we would recognize this small group by the spiritual food they would put out for us. We are now in the harvest period of God’s timetable. Pure Worshipers are like Philip, happy in this harvest work and in complete unity while doing so.

Jesus accomplished much while on earth. And it goes without saying that this was part of why Jesus came to earth, to teach us how we should worship His Father in Pure Worship. This is also why we should not allow ourselves to adapt any teachings, or maybe I should say, any new teachings, that came about after the death of Jesus’ apostles.

Yes, Jesus gave us the set of doctrines we should follow and not those of men. Therefore, when we learn from the Bible that a man is teaching something that Jesus or his apostles did not teach, we must then choose who we will follow. For Jesus said: “. . .I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6 [the AMP Bible]).

I Have Come into the World to Testify to the Truth; That is, the Pure Worship to our God.

Another time Jesus spoke to the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, and said: “You say [correctly] that I am a King. This is why I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth [who is a friend of the truth and belongs to the truth] hears and listens carefully to My voice“, (John 18:37 [the AMP Bible]).

Here’s one last quote from Jesus: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Yes, free from all men, who (like these 12 symbolic men of my illustration above) seek their own personal gains to decide for themselves what they will teach or will not teach from the Bible.

How to Understand the Bible Is Our Goal

Here at our goal is to guide you to truths found within the pages of the Bible. As you apply them, it leads you to the pure worship that God demands from His worshipers. We also desire to guide you to study materials that follow the Bible’s clear teachings closely. It must be the scriptures that have the final say. The whole Bible, and not just the parts we favor. The Bible tells us: “All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage].” (2 Timothy 3:16 [see the AMP Bible]).

What We Are Seeking

We are not looking for monetary gain, nor are we seeking followers for ourselves. We are not managing this website for the sake of pride, and we research our materials from multiple sources for accuracy and to remain as unbiased as humanly possible.

Our goal is not to “make” you conform to my religion. My prayer is to teach you how to understand the Bible so you can align your pure worship with Jehovah’s standards. This will bring clarity to you as in who is following Jesus’ true teachings today. You see, if I do my part right, you’ll soon want to be a part of my faith as well.

We are here to guide you through the mess that these 12 symbolic men of my illustration, have made, beginning back to the end of the first century, when the last apostle, John, died.

With the help of our research that we dutifully made time for, we’ll guide you through this mess and help you understand the Bible. Once you understand, you’ll be able to clearly see who God’s people is for yourself, without my personal opinion which may influence you.

How to Understand the Bible, Our Summary

Why is it that I have no plans of providing my full name, my faith, or my personal information? Because, as a minister of God, my credentials will become clear to you once you understand the Bible. How so? Because the Bible will guide you to the right, unbiased conclusion in this matter. 

I am available for one-on-one interactive Bible study sessions via Zoom. There, you can learn more about me privately and ask any questions you may wish. I am a minister of God who does not seek personal gain or recognition. My only desire is to help others understand the Bible and the truth it contains. Feel free to contact me for a personal Bible study. We can explore the Scriptures together and learn more about the one true faith the Bible speaks of in Ephesians 4:5.

I asked ChatGPT if he had any suggestions that could show my readers the benefits of not knowing who I am or what my faith is. This is his unedited response: 

ChaptGPT and 

ChatGPT: One possible approach to emphasize the benefits of not revealing your faith to readers is to highlight the importance of each individual’s personal relationship with God and their own spiritual journey. By not revealing your faith, you allow readers to focus on the Bible’s teachings and develop their own understanding of the Scriptures without being influenced by your personal beliefs.

You could also emphasize the value of critical thinking and independent learning. By not revealing your faith, you encourage readers to question and analyze the information they receive, rather than blindly following a particular interpretation or doctrine. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the Bible and a more meaningful spiritual experience.

Additionally, by offering one-on-one interactive Bible study sessions via Zoom, you are providing a personalized and intimate learning experience that can help readers explore their own beliefs and deepen their connection with God in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

So, if you have been looking for a source that will teach you how to understand the Bible and how to recognize the “one faith” that Ephesians 4:5 speaks of, you have finally found it. Please enjoy your new found spiritual website. 

[End Of Article]

Free Personal Bible Study Sessions on Helping You Understand the Bible

Does anything we have said here sound like it may have come from a higher source? Perhaps someone being directed by God’s Spirit? Does this kind of spiritual food differ from what you are used to receiving? If so, don’t stop here. Dig deeper by filling out the form below and having a qualified minister of God contact you and answer all your questions.

Secure your spot now! This includes a one-on-one session via zoom for Bible discussion. We are limited in the number of students, so contact us today to secure your spot. We also offer a free online Bible Study course. Sign up below.

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Closing Thoughts

As you deepen your understanding of God’s teachings with us, we want you to know that we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. No matter your experience. We’re here to help you become the best follower of Jesus Christ and his Father that you can be. Thank you for considering as a way to build your faith.

Other Websites Disclaimer

Please note that unless otherwise stated, when linking to scripture, to websites outside our domain here for easy access to multiple translations, we do not necessarily endorse any ads or articles that may appear on these, or other sites. We encourage you to focus on the scriptures themselves and to use discernment when viewing any additional content on these sites.


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2/25/24 01:32 PM CT (Still Under Dev).

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