What Is the Bible?

Bible Snippet 1 | What Is the Bible?

A Bible-Snippet-Study-Course designed for Zoom or text via WhatsApp (See Acts 8:31).

What Is the Bible
What Is the Bible — A More In-depth, Detailed Look

Welcome, and thank you for visiting BibleSnippet.com. This study course, entitled ‘What Is the Bible’, will provide an in-depth understanding. It will guide you to its benefits, and the path to harnessing its full value. Furthermore, it should also help you to foster a closer friendship with God and His people on earth today.

But before we delve into this Course, we’ll need to help you understand a few basic things about the many Bibles on the market today.

First, Which Bible Do We Use When Scriptures Are Quoted?

While quoting scriptures, we use various translations that acknowledge both English and Hebrew pronunciations of God’s name, Jehovah and Yahweh. Therefore, people widely accept and use both of these renditions of God’s name interchangeably.

At BibleSnippet.com, we try to avoid quoting Bibles that replace His name with titles like “LORD.” In the original Hebrew manuscripts, God’s name is the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), these four ancient Hebrew letters form God’s name. Scholars translate this into English as Jehovah or Yahweh. Nonetheless, we quote from all Bibles when the Tetragrammaton is absent from the text.

Christians Must Use Caution

Researching on Google reveals many arguments among Christians about one pronunciation over the other of the divine name. Some Christians ignore Galatians 5:22-23’s counsel on demonstrating certain virtues. Such as. “. . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control…

You see, when a Christian begins finding fault with another Christian over how we should pronounce God’s name (or what Bible translation one should use), it goes against what Jesus taught. Remember what Jesus said in the book of Matthew 7:1-2.

Mathew 7:1-2, “Do not judge, criticize, or condemn others, so that you may not be judged, criticized, and condemned yourselves. For just as you [hypocritically] judge others [when you are sinful and unrepentant], so will you be judged; and in accordance with your standard of measure [used to pass out judgment], judgment will be measured to you.” (the AMP Bible). Christians are wise to leave all judging to God or His son Jesus.

Bible Snippet 1, WhatsApp-or-Zoom-Study-Course ‘Questions to Consider’ for, ‘What Is the Bible?’

Pause to Reflect

Stop for a moment and reflect on this Bible Snippet. You might want to ask and answer these questions.

1. Do I prefer using a Bible that has God’s name, Jehovah, or Yahweh in it?

2. Since God had His name written in the Bible more than 7,000 times, how might He feel towards those removing His name from the Bible, in favor of the title LORD?

3. When we consider what the Bible says at Galatians 5:22-23, and Matthew 7:1-2 quoted above, why should we refuse to argue with those who do not like our choice of Bibles.

Note to Our Bible Students: Please wait on your Bible Course Study-Instructor before moving on in this free course. He or she may want to spend some time with you on WhatsApp or Zoom explaining why God’s name has been removed from of our most popular Bibles today.

Christian Church via Zoom — Enrollment for Zoom or WhatsApp Study-Course ‘What Is the Bible’

Are you looking to attend Christian church meetings via Zoom? Or would you like to enroll in our WhatsApp, or Zoom, free online Bible-Study-Course with your own instructor to guide you, and answer all your Bible question? If either one of these sounds appealing, simply click this link and fill out the form. A Study Instructor will contact you soon. [GO TO FORM CLICK HERE]

Our Part as a Christian

If you are new to learning the Bible, your part is to simply keep learning. However, when you gain enough knowledge that you know you want to spend your life, as Abel did, serving God in Pure Worship, you’ll want to pray about the below Christian requirement.

Jesus didn’t give his perfect human life for us to have the gift of everlasting life and expect nothing in return. Do not allow yourself to fall in that trap.

Serving God in Pure Worship is what God demands of us. However, what Jesus expects from his disciples is that they speak up, where possible, and tell others about him, and his Father, Jehovah God. No, I’m not saying we must work our way to God’s paradise, but our faith cannot be dead either. For James 2:26 says, “. . . faith without works is dead.

What is Our Obligation?

Therefore, Jesus gave all of his disciples this command. “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit.” (the ESV Bible).

There are many ways for Christians to follow Jesus’ command there and sharing this Bible Snippet is just one of them. You can begin by asking anyone you come in contact with, or a close friend or family member, this question. Ask: Can I send you a Bible Snippet entitled “What Is the Bible?” Ask if they have WhatsApp and copy and paste this Bible Snippet to them. Or send us their email and we’ll take it from there.

Now let’s proceed to Bible Snippet 2…

Bible Snippet 2 | What Is the Bible?

Grasping the Process of the Bible’s Composition

The Bible, a collection of 66 sacred books, is an extensive compilation of divine messages. Spanning a period of approximately 1,600 years, these texts were written to deliver what is often referred to as ‘the word of God.

1 Thessalonians 2:13, “This is why we constantly thank God, because when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the word of God, which also works effectively in you who believe.” (the CSB Bible).

But Didn’t Man Write The Bible – Look at the Facts

So, who penned the Bible? While God is the ultimate author of the Bible, He worked through nearly 40 unique individuals when writing it. In His divine wisdom, He allowed this writing to span over 1,600 years before making it complete. Yet those who originally penned the Bible remained in complete harmony with one another during this long period of time. Therefore, the Bible is never contradictory.

God used authors ranging from Moses and King David, to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as instruments to convey His divine message. God implanted thoughts and insights into their minds, inspiring them to faithfully record His message. This is beautifully stated at 2 Timothy 3:16 which reads, “Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God’s approval.” (the GW Bible).

Consider this analogy: If a business executive instructs his assistant to compose a letter, providing the key points and main ideas, the executive remains the true author of that message. Similarly, although God utilized human scribes to record His words, He remains the ultimate Author of the Bible.

Some Facts

  • What does the word “Bible” mean? The term “Bible” originates from the Greek word “biblia”, which translates to “little books.” Over time, “biblia” has come to symbolize the entire collection of smaller books that collectively make up the Bible.
  • When was the Bible written? The initial writings of the Bible began in 1513 B.C.E. It took over 1,600 years to complete, with the final contributions made around 98 C.E.
  • Where is the original Bible? There are no known surviving original Bible manuscripts. This is primarily due to the perishable materials, such as papyrus and parchment, used by the Bible writers. However, professional scribes have diligently and meticulously copied and recopied the Bible writings, preserving these invaluable texts for future generations.
  • What are the Old Testament and the New Testament? The “Old Testament” refers to the section of the Bible primarily written in Hebrew, also known as the Hebrew Scriptures. On the other hand, the “New Testament” refers to the part written in Greek, recognized as the Christian Greek Scriptures. Together, these two sections form one comprehensive book, also referred to as the Holy Scriptures.
  • What is in the Bible? The Bible is a diverse compilation containing history, laws, prophecies, poetry, proverbs, songs, and letters. For a detailed listing of its books, check the beginning section of nearly any Bible.

What is the Central Theme of the Bible?

The Bible commences with a succinct account of how the Almighty God created the heavens and the earth. It chronicles how man lost paradise and how God, by means of His Kingdom, ruled by His Son Jesus Christ, will one day restore that paradise back to this earth and how we can play a part.

Through the pages of the Bible, God introduces Himself by His name. That name in English is Jehovah (or in the Hebrew language, Yahweh), and He invites humans to cultivate a relationship with Him. — Psalm 83:18. The Living Bible [LTB] reads, “until they learn that you alone, Jehovah, are the God above all gods in supreme charge of all the earth“. The Lexham English Bible [LEB] reads, “that they may know that you, whose name is Yahweh, you alone, are the Most High over the whole earth.” Here we see that one Bible scholar used the English form “Jehovah” while another scholar preferred the Hebrew form “Yahweh.”

More Facts

The Bible shines light on the misrepresentations of God. Moreover, it outlines His plan for the restoration of His rightful reputation. It also unfolds God’s grand design for humanity and our planet. It provides insights into how God plans to eradicate the roots of human suffering in the future.

This holy book also serves as a pragmatic guide for daily living. For instance, it offers advice on various aspects like:

  • Fostering Good Relationships:So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets.” —Matthew 7:12 [the AMP Bible].
    Here, God’s book teaches us that we should treat others the way we want to be treated.

  • Managing Stress:Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own worries. The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day.” —Matthew 6:34 [the NLV Bible].
    In this text, the Bible teaches us that, rather than succumbing to worry about the future, we should focus on living each day as it comes.

  • Nurturing a Happy Marriage:. . . to each of you individually: let each man love his wife as he does himself, and see that the wife respects her husband.” —Ephesians 5:33 [the CJV Bible].
    So, when it comes to family life, the Bible teaches that, in the context of marriage, love and respect are essential for its success.

Has the Bible Undergone Alterations?

Contrary to some assumptions, the Bible has remained remarkably consistent over the centuries. Scholars who have meticulously compared ancient Bible manuscripts with modern versions attest to the preservation of the its original message. This continuity aligns with divine intention — if God wants people to read and understand His message, wouldn’t it be reasonable to believe that He would maintain the integrity of that message?

Isaiah 40:8 affirms this stating, “The grass dries up. The flowers fall to the ground. But what our God says [in His Word] will stand forever.” (the NIRV Bible).

Why Do We Have Numerous Translations of the Bible?

A Keen Look

Everyday modern readers do not widely understand the ancient languages of the Bible. However, the intent behind the Bible is to convey ‘Good News‘ to ‘every nation, tribe, and language.’

Revelation 14:6, “And I saw another angel flying through the sky, carrying the eternal Good News to proclaim to the people who belong to this world — to every nation, tribe, language, and people.” (the NLT Bible).

Consequently, it’s essential to have the Bible translated into contemporary languages, allowing people from all walks of life to read, comprehend, and connect with God’s message. By comparing numerous translations ourselves, we gain trust that the Bible is, in fact, accurate.

Bible translations generally follow three fundamental styles:

  • Word-for-word: This style is as literal as possible, aiming to replicate the original text verbatim.
  • Thought-for-thought: This style seeks to represent the underlying meaning of the original language text, rather than its exact words.
  • Paraphrase: This style freely rewords the text with the aim of making it more enjoyable and easier to read. However, the freeness of paraphrased translations may occasionally risk obscuring the true meaning of the passage.

Which Style is Best?

Indeed, a quality Bible translation does strive to strike a balance between literal translation and understandable modern language. This process ensures the accurate and clear conveyance of God’s message to mankind. In so doing, the approach maintains the original meanings and nuances while making the text accessible to today’s readers.

Why Do Some Bible Scholars Often Criticize Certain Bible Translations?

You may be wondering why some Christians and/or Bible scholars criticize specific Bible translations. Ideally, this is often due to the influence of human imperfection and bias. Strong emotions, primarily caused by a lack of understanding or knowledge about other perspectives, can lead people to read the Bible in search of confirmation for their personal beliefs, while overlooking parts that contradict them. As a result, they may miss much of the truth found in God’s word.

When reading and studying God’s word, it’s essential to seek guidance on understanding it from God’s perspective rather than our own. Avoid falling into the trap of disparaging any translation of God’s word. A significant amount of effort went into creating these translations for us to learn from, and they all have value.

Owning A Hard Copy of the Bible

We recommend having at least three hard copies of God’s word in your home for your personal study to compare. This could perhaps include a Word-for-Word translation, a Thought-For-Thought, or even a good Paraphrase Bible (see the heading “Why Do We Have Numerous Translations of the Bible?” above).

Online Bibles are available, but future governance changes, per God’s word, might erase them from the internet.

Are the Many Bible Translations Mistake-Free

Are all Bible Translations mistake free? Of course not, since imperfect humans produce them. While translators strive for accuracy and clarity, it is important to recognize that no translation can be entirely free from mistakes or limitations. This is precisely why it is so crucial to compare scriptures across three to five of your favorite Bible translations when studying.

The likelihood of 3-5 different translators making the same mistake in all versions is extremely low. Having such a comparative study will allow for a broader and more balanced understanding of the scriptures. We might also remind you that, Bible Scholars, take this same approach, by comparing several different ancient manuscripts when translating the Bible into different languages.

Who Decided What Should be Included in God’s Word?

God, as the ultimate Author, determined the contents of His word. He initially selected the ancient nation of Israel to be “entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God,” thereby making them the custodians of the Hebrew Scriptures. This is encapsulated in Romans 3:2 which reads: “Great in every respect. First, that they were entrusted with the actual words of God” (the NASB Bible).

Are There Lost Books of the Bible?

Contrary to some claims, the Bible is a complete work, and there are no so-called lost books. It’s true that certain ancient texts have been discovered over time, leading some to assert that these newly found writings should be included in God’s Word. However, the Bible has its internal gauge of authenticity (2 Timothy 1:13). By this criterion, all books inspired by God exhibit complete harmony with one another, a characteristic not found in all ancient writings. 2 Timothy 1:13 reads, “With faith and love for Christ Jesus, consider what you heard me say to be the pattern of accurate teachings.” (the GW Bible).

Your Personal Growth and Maturity as a Christian

When it comes to your personal study of God’s word, as you grow more mature, you’ll discover that God has miraculously written His word in a way, that some simply will not get the sense of! Why so? Well, He has written it in such a way that those who do not read it with Purity of Heart do not understand (see the article Pure Worship). 

Jesus, God’s only begotten son, acknowledged this vital point in Mathew 11:25, when in prayer to his God and Father, he said,”. . . I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” (the NWT Bible). Again, see our Pure Worship article. 

Things We Think We Know

As you mature in your knowledge of God’s love, you’ll also discover that there are three parts of His Word that has a relative understanding for all of us. These are:

1) The Things We Know: these are God’s truths that He has revealed and made clear to all. They are things that most all Christians would agree with as truth from God’s word.

2) The Things We Don’t Know: These are things that God has clearly not revealed to His people. They are things that most all Christians agree we do not know at this time. This is because you’ll find that God rightfully reveals things to His people when He sees the need. This is why God tells us that ‘the light will get brighter.’ See Proverbs 4:18,”The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” (the NIV Bible).

3) The Things We Think We Know. These are things that if we were to stop and really analyze, we’d find that they should actually be placed under the “Things We Don’t Know”. This is because the things we THINK we know, are simply not clear. However, they will be made clear in God’s due time. Because so many value their own opinion of the unclear scriptures, they have become part of the very reason why we have many church-teachings that developed after all of the apostles died. This is known as the post apostolic period.

How The Things We Think We Know Have Hurt Christianity Overall

How this has hurt Christianity: This category is one that has caused so many people around the world today to not seek a Christian way of life. This is because, The Things We Think We Know is what caused so much hatred, confusion, and bickering among Christians. This hatred is what people outside of Christianity have seen for many years. 

How does hatred, confusion, and bickering, among Christians make outsiders feel about Christianity? Outsiders tell us that if this kind of action is Christian, they don’t want anything to do with it. 

But the truth is, that hatred or bickering of any kind, is not Christian! God’s Word teaches Christians this truth in Galatians 5:22-23, “. . . the fruitage of the spirit [our actions as people of God] is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. . .” (the NWT Bible).

So if you are an outsider, and you are reading this, is it the true Christianity that you would not want to be a part of? Or, is it the lack of Bible understanding and the misguided mistakes that Christians make? Anyone who truly loves God’s word would never allow The Things We Think We Know to cause them to display hatred to other Christians. 

Finding Bible Verses

Locating specific verses in the Bible, let’s use 2 Timothy 3:16 as an example. The first number indicates the chapter you should turn to (in our example is chapter 3). The subsequent number or numbers point to the specific verse or verses to be read (verse 16 in this instance).

In Conclusion

Through this journey into the depths of the Bible, I hope we’ve provided you good insights into its history, purpose, and the divine wisdom it holds. We’ve discovered the critical role the Bible plays in guiding our lives, fostering relationships, dealing with stress, and much more. I pray that you now see that the Bible remains a reliable and an unchanging source of spiritual guidance and a solace in our modern world. It is the only direct line of communication we have with God. It’s our pathway to understanding His purpose for us and the future hopes for this planet we call home. It’s never too late to start exploring this extraordinary book and the wisdom it offers.

End of Article [What Is the Bible]

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Outside Links: Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea and said while questioning Jesus, “What is truth”… (see Wikipedia John 18:38)

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