2021 Memorial of Christ Death Event has Passed – Why Not Plan Now For Next Year’s Event of 2022 -Why?
Each year millions gather, around the world, to show their love and appreciation to God for allowing the death of Jesus for mankind’s salvation and hope, and to show their love to his son for what he did on behalf of all mankind as outlined in the article below. Next year, on April 14, 2022, after sunset these millions will come together once again -and hopefully you’ll plan to attend this special event with us via zoom or phone conference.
Please read the below short article and email me at douglas@biblesnippet.com with your phone number and I’ll contact you on this subject and offer you much more information…
Article Written March 11, 2021:
Imagine yourself in the Garden of Eden. Moreover, picture you and your wonderful spouse enjoying a life filled with happiness in a perfect relationship together and your happiness includes true peace. Each day is a delightful new experience, with no sickness, death, crying, or misery, of any kind. As a matter of fact, these things never even enter your minds. Could it be that the death of Jesus is the key to a life like this?
The Death of Jesus Brings a Promise That Can’t Be Broken
Yes, it all sounds good but many say: Isn’t a life like that just a dream? No, NOT AT ALL! –Why? Because this is a promise from God, who cannot lie (see Hebrews 6:18, which reads in part: “… through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie …”). But how will God make this new life come about? (see Revelation 21:3-4) God has made this kind of life available to every human being on earth, how so? Through the death of Jesus, God’s one and only son.
Why Mankind Is In This Mess – What The Death of Jesus Will Do
When Adam sinned in the Garden, Adam stole his perfect life from God and thereby lost human perfection for all humankind that would follow Adam’s death. That meant that man would now have to live a life apart from God’s loving guidance and would have to learn to guide, and make decisions, for himself. The last six-thousand years has proven, beyond a doubt, that man has done a miserable job at ruling himself. (see Jeremiah 10:23; Ecclesiastes 8:9)
Why Didn’t God Simply Forgive Adam’s Sin
Why didn’t God overlook Adam’s sin as we imperfect humans do with our children? Because God would not break his own law, which requires an “eye for an eye” (see Exodus 21:24). This meant that someone had to pay God back for the perfect human life that Adam had stolen from God. Yes, a perfect human life was required to fulfill God’s “eye for an eye” law. But who would be willing to die for us? Enter: The Death of Jesus…
How the Death of Jesus Paid the Ransom
Only by the Death of Jesus, as a perfect human being, could Jesus’ death pay back the ransom price to God that Adam took. Because Jesus willingly came to earth and died for us, we can now follow the path that he set to gain back the above life that seems to be “just a dream” to us all now
Memorial of Christ Death
However, Jesus has asked us to do something for him. He set the pattern for the annual memorial of his death for us to follow, then commanded us to “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (see Luke 22:19)
Online Personal Invitation to Attend
A Christian’s Most Holy Occasion
With the Death of Jesus comes a personal invitation for you to take advantage of. I have therefore taken the time to cordially invite you to attend this most Holy occasion. –It’s the most important Christian event on earth today, the Memorial of Christ’s Death, and you are invited to attend. Please watch the two-minute video.
Date: Thursday, April 14th, 2022
Time: After sunset, following a short public talk about the event. Talk begins at 7:00 PM via Zoom or by phone.
Because of Covid-19 this 45 minute event has to be held via Zoom or phone. To secure your seat please request the login information via email at: douglas@biblesnippet.com But please do not put this off. It will come and go before we know it, so please request your spot at this event today. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Doug Graham
Doug’s Bible Snippets Blog
PS: Please write a reply below and, while here, please visit our home page and read the two articles listed there: Help to Understand the Bible
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