BibleSnippet 37

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 37: “Evolution or Design—Ground Squirrel…” What do you think? Was the arctic ground squirrel’s brain designed or did it happen by chance? When it’s body temperature dropped to 26.8 degrees you’d expect it to be dead. But scientists have discovered that an amazing thing happens. “I praise you [Jehovah] because in an awe-inspiring way I […]

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A BibleSnippet 070821

2021 Convention Talk 3

A BibleSnippet 070821 —Thursday, July 8. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” Preview: Satan is the master of deception. He fools many into thinking they are free. But the real truth is —he has actually taken them captive. This Snippet highlights a […]

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