Pure Worship

Pure Worship

Pure Worship… What is It… What is It Not?

Theme Scripture

Pure Worship from a biblical standpoint. “Create a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me” (Psalm 51:10, the GNT) In this scripture, and with very few words, Jehovah highlights exactly what Pure Worship to Him really is.

This Article

This article we’ll look at some genuine Pure Worshipers of God throughout the history of mankind as written in the Holy Scriptures. We’ll try to discover what qualities they had that caused God to love them, and approve of them, in spite of their human imperfections. By so doing it will teach us what Pure Worship is, and what it is not. But first this reminder.

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Pure Worship – Religion

People today do not realize this, but religion in general, or even claiming to be a Christian, often has little in common with Pure Worship of God.

Adam and Eve, nor Cain and Abel, for example, were not part of any ‘religious organization’. Yet, each of these individuals had their own form of worship to God. Let’s see how the pattern of Pure Worship was set from the very beginning of man’s history here on this earth.

Pure Worship, Adam and Eve

Pure Worship: Lessons from the Lives of Adam and Eve

We learn a lot about worship to God from our first human pair, Adam and Eve. If we could point to one couple and say, “This couple had it all!”, it would be Adam and Eve. They lacked nothing. This is because their God and Father, their life giver, Jehovah, had placed them in the paradise of Eden, giving them everything they needed for a happy and fulfilling life. Genesis 2:15-17 highlights their initial state of Pure Worship:

Genesis 2:15-17, The Bible states, “Jehovah God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to take care of it. Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.

From this, we see that pure worship to God would continually bring Adam and Eve everlasting happiness through the blessings from their happy heavenly Father. As 1 Timothy 1:11 describes Jehovah as “. . . the happy God . . .” indicating that His commands and arrangements are designed to bring happiness to those who follow them.

The Essence of Pure Worship: Obedience

But, like us, their everlasting happiness depended on one thing: obedience to their God and Father. Therefore, we learn from our first set of grandparents that the first and foremost thing God demands of our pure worship is our obedience to Him.

Unlike us humans today, Adam and Eve were perfect creations of God. They had no sin or imperfection within them, making obedience to God a natural and straightforward task. Their perfection meant that they had the full capacity to follow Jehovah’s commandments without the hindrances of sin or imperfection.

The Test of Pure Worship

However, their pure worship was put to the test. The account in Genesis 3 shows how Satan, in the form of a serpent, introduced doubt and disobedience into their lives. He suggested that eating the forbidden fruit would open their eyes and make them like God, knowing good and bad (Genesis 3:1-5).

Eve, deceived by the serpent’s cunning words, ate the fruit and gave some to Adam, who also ate it. This act of disobedience was a pivotal moment in human history. It illustrates how deviation from pure worship, even in a seemingly small way, can have catastrophic consequences.

Consequences of Disobedience

The immediate consequences of their disobedience were profound. They realized their nakedness and felt shame, emotions they had never experienced before (Genesis 3:7). They tried to hide from Jehovah, indicating a broken relationship with Him (Genesis 3:8-10). Ultimately, they were expelled from Eden, losing their perfect home and their direct communion with God (Genesis 3:23-24).

Their actions brought sin and imperfection into the human experience, affecting all their descendants. This teaches us that pure worship requires strict adherence to Jehovah’s commands and that deviation from this path leads to alienation from God and loss of His blessings.

Lessons on Pure Worship

From the account of Adam and Eve, we learn several key lessons about pure worship:

  1. Obedience to Jehovah’s Commands: Pure worship requires strict adherence to Jehovah’s instructions. Adam and Eve’s failure underscores the importance of obedience in maintaining a pure relationship with God.
  2. Faith in Jehovah’s Word: Pure worship is rooted in unwavering faith in Jehovah and His promises. Doubt and lack of trust, as exhibited by Eve, lead to actions that corrupt worship.
  3. Dependence on Jehovah: True worshipers recognize their dependence on Jehovah for guidance, sustenance, and moral direction. Adam and Eve’s attempt to gain knowledge and autonomy apart from Jehovah resulted in their downfall.
  4. Consequences of False Worship: The negative consequences that followed Adam and Eve’s disobedience serve as a cautionary tale. Straying from pure worship brings spiritual, emotional, and physical repercussions.


The story of Adam and Eve provides a foundational understanding of pure worship. It teaches us that pure worship involves obedience, faith, and dependence on Jehovah. As we explore further examples throughout history, we will see how these principles are upheld or violated and the impact this has on worshipers’ relationship with Jehovah.

Now, Pure Worship, Cain and Abel

Learning Pure Worship, the Pre-Flood Days of Noah.

This Period Sets the Pattern of Pure Worship from Early On

From the very beginning of family life here on earth, Abel’s form of worship proved to be pure. However, Cain’s form of worship was not, it was impure and rejected by Jehovah God.

Therefore, these two sons of Adam and Eve, set the pattern. Showing mankind, from the beginning, that God refuses to except any form of worship other than Pure Worship. As time passed, He also taught mankind that we are accountable to Him for our actions, when He had His faithful Pure Worshiper build an ark. He then invited all who would listen and obey Him to get into that ark in order to be saved from that unrighteous human society.

How Many Listened

Sadly, every human being on earth at that time decided to disregard Noah’s advice to join him in the ark. Those whom Noah preached to did not like the idea that God would only work through one source, that is, a source claiming to be God’s only representative for salvation and pure worship. Can’t you just hear them saying, ‘So, you think God is working only through you and your form of worship? I’ll serve God my way, and you can serve Him your way.‘ Jesus pointed to Noah’s day and said our day would be just like that.

All this, from Cain and Abel all the way till after the flood, teaches us a powerful lesson about pure worship to God. It teaches us that we do not have the right to set our own pattern of worship! We must look to God for that, and we must do so with a pure heart. God Himself tells us this in His word, when He inspired David to write “Teach me how to do Your will, for You are my God. Allow Your good Spirit to guide me on level ground, to guide me along Your path.” (Psalm 143:10 the V O I C E Bible)

Yes, because God created man, our attitude must be that only God has the right to set the pattern of worship for us. He has the power, and the right to ask for pure worship from His subjects.

Pause to reflect on what you have learned above.

Questions — Did you get the points from the above?

1) What two biblical brothers can we point to in order to contrast Impure Worship, with Pure Worship, to God?

2) What have we learned about God, concerning the type of worship He will accept?

3) As our creator, what rights does God have regarding our worship to Him?

4) What powerful lesson about Pure Worship to God does the time period from, Cain and Abel, to Noah’s day, teach us about people’s pattern-of-worship to God?

Now, Let’s Learn More from Noah and the Flood

Supplemental information About the Flood of Noah’s Day

Was Noah’s Flood Global?

The Flood of Noah took place over 4,000 years ago, and the question of whether this flood was global or local is still a topic of considerable debate among scholars, theologians, geologists, and scientists alike. However, the Bible clearly indicates that the flood was a global event, and that is the stance BibleSnippet.com takes. Why? Because ‘man’ has been proven wrong many times when they have taken a view opposite to what God’s word so clearly states.

The Big Question

But isn’t the big question this: Should it really matter whether the Flood was global or local? When people reject Christianity because it teaches that the Flood was a global event—when some geologists and scientists might disagree, isn’t that just an excuse not to look into the Bible?

Jesus – What Was His Focus When Talking About the Flood?

Did Jesus make an issue of how far the floodwaters reached upon the earth? No! His focus was on what the floodwaters accomplished for Jehovah and what it symbolizes for us today. Jesus stated, “For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” (Matthew 24:37)

Jesus’ Apostles – What Did They Focus on, When They Spoke of the Flood?

Peter spoke of it as being an antitype for Christians today when he said, “Who had formerly been disobedient when God was patiently waiting in Noah’s day, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water.” (1 Peter 3:20) Here, Peter uses the flood as a typological illustration to explain how God used these floodwaters to save the Pure Worshippers of that day, namely, Noah and his family. The size of the flood was not the issue for Peter.

Peter spoke of the flood again when he said, “And he did not refrain from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a flood upon a world of ungodly people.” (2 Peter 2:5) Again, we see the focus is not on the size of Noah’s Flood but on what it accomplished.


The Flood of Noah serves as great encouragement for God’s people today. It reminds us of how God can use the elements of both heaven and earth to save His Pure Worshippers, despite the wickedness surrounding them.

From the flood, we learn much about God’s ability to accomplish His purpose of purifying the earth and reestablishing the Garden of Eden. The real issue is, will we be there? The Flood is, after all, a clear warning for us today.

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[End of Supplemental information]

Pause and reflect on what you have just learned from this Supplemental information.

Question — Pure Worship — The Flood

1) Should a Pure Worshiper of God ever make an issue over the size of the Flood and why?

2) What should be our focus when it comes to the Flood of Noah’s day, as Christians?

[End of questions]

Pure Worship Continues—Abraham

After the Flood

After Noah’s preaching ended, Pure Worship survived the Flood. This only happened through Noah and his family, the source of Pure Worship to God at that time. Yes, they all entered into a new world together. After Noah Jehovah had many more Pure Worshipers leading up to Abraham

Abraham and Pure Worship

But first this…

Some Scriptural Cornerstones of Pure Worship

Today, John 3:16 has to be one of the cornerstones for all seekers of Pure Worship, “God . . . gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” (the CEV Bible). This scripture clearly show that a Pure Worshiper must have faith that Jesus Christ is our savior from sin and death.

For example, Romans 12:1 teaches us that “Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.” (the CSB Bible) Here we see that Pure Worship involves us presenting ourselves to God as a living sacrifice and this scholar translates the ending, saying, “this is true worship”. Does this not teach us thar we must take our worship serious and not passive?

Then we have this statement made by Jesus Himself. “You must love the Lord [Jehovah] your God,” replied Jesus, “with all your heart, with all your life, and with all your mind.” How close should we be to God, based on what Jesus said here.

Impossible to Please God

(Matthew 22:37-38, the N T F E Bible). We also have Hebrews 11:6, “Now without faith it is impossible to please God . . . ” (the ISV Bible). Think about what faith really is. Do you have faith that the sun will ride tomorrow. God tells us that “Faith is the assured expectation…” (Hebrews 11:1) Yes, Pure Worshipers are sure that God will fulfill everything His word that He has promises.

Next, we have James 1:22, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Pure Worship evolves us doing what God tells us to do.

Pause to consider the above scriptures, and how they relate to Pure Worship

1) What does John 3:16 teach us about Pure Worship?

2) What does the other scriptures, mentioned above, teach us about our worship to God?

Continuing… Pure Worship… Abraham

How Did Pure Worship Spread from This Point?

Abel’s other brother, Seth, who was a true worshiper of God, did not follow Cain. It seems that he stayed there near his parents Adam and Eve. From there, which was probably near the Garden of Eden, he and his offspring spread pure worship. As a result, true worship then spreads all the way up the line to Abraham and beyond to when Jesus arrived. Here’s a list of those faithful men, beginning with Abraham: Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Cainan, Arpachshad, Shem, and Noah. From Noah, we have Lamech, Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalaleel, Cainan, and Enosh, the grandson of Adam. We then have Seth and Adam, the son of God (see Luke 3:34-38). Luke shows that there has never been a time on earth where true worship to God did not exist.

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Digging Deeper—Bible Scripture like Matthew 11:25 and More

Mathew 11:25, “. . . Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth [I openly and joyfully acknowledge Your great wisdom], that You have hidden these things [these spiritual truths] from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants [to new believers, to those seeking God’s will and purpose]” (the AMP Bible).

Here, Jesus expresses gratitude to his God and Father for revealing truths to those who are humble and childlike. However, those who fit the attitudes of these wise and intelligent ones, do not get it, because like Cain, they worship God as they wish. This verse emphasizes the importance of humility and a childlike openness to receive the teachings and mysteries of God.

Does Pride Play a Part in Pure Worship

To begin, spiritual insight is not a result of human wisdom or intelligence. We can lump this with pride, a mindset where individuals think they know more than others, which contradicts Jesus’ teachings on Christian thought. In contrast, God gives the gift of understanding to those who are receptive to His people, that is pure worshipers who are spreading truths worldwide. Therefore, it is important for us to seek, and find, these pure worshipers in order for us to learn pure worship. From Matthew 11:25, we see that linking being childlike to humility involves being ready to learn from God’s “faithful and wise servant.”

Revelation 1:6, “and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” (the NIV Bible.)

Mathew 24:25, ““Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?” (the BOOKS Bible.) This verse further reiterates that Jehovah has put in place faithful servants who are tasked with the job of spreading biblical truths to all corners of the world, “give them their food at the proper time,” and bringing forth pure worship that is pleasing in the eyes of God.

3- Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Questions to Consider:
1) In your opinion, what does the list at Luke 3:23-38 teach us about God? (See Luke 3:23-38).
2) What does Mathew 11:25 teach us about God? (See Matthew 11:25 above).
3) Who is the God and Father of Jesus? (See Revelation 1:6 above).
4) Why should we seek and find pure worshipers to learn ‘Pure Worship’? (See Matthew 24:45 above).


Child-Like with Spirit and Truth

John 4:24, Jesus says, “God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” (the NIV Bible.)

The wise and intelligent men have written much about the wording in Jesus’ statement above, in John 4:24, particularly, the phrase ‘must worship in the Spirit and in truth.’ What the thousands of different Christian religions have to say about this scripture, in order to justify their many different views of the Bible, I have no comment for.

However, if we show this scripture to a child, they could explain exactly what it says. They would tell you that worshiping God “in the Spirit” has to mean the worshiper has God’s Spirit upon them. Moreover, this also suggests that they have God’s approval because they strive to do His will in every way possible guided by the teachings of these wise servants.

Truth is truth, today, tomorrow, and as far down the road as you wish to take it. Some may think that if we break our arm that truth is no longer there when it heals. Why? Because they want to say it is no longer relevant. However, those that have this view seem to be trying to find a loophole.

What is Truth

The truth is still there; the arm was broken, and if we try to say the arm has never been broken, that would be untruthful. So what is truth? (see John 18:38). Truth is the Godly message from God’s childlike people who God sees as his faithful and wise servants whom he has appointed over all His household. And they are never hard to find!

John 18:37, “Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.” (the NLT Bible).

John 18:38, ““What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.” (the NIV Bible).

4-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Questions to Consider:
1) What did Jesus mean when he said we must worship God ‘in Spirit?’ (John 4:24 above).
2) What does it mean ‘to testify to the truth? (John 18:37 above).
3) Compare what a child would perhaps say about John 4:24, when compared to a man who thinks they are wise.
4) Is truth relevant when it comes to the Bible and how important would you say truth is? (See all 3 scriptures above.)


Pure Worship Together with Truth

Here at BibleSnippet.com, Pure Worship will always be explained with the emphasis on ‘truth’ remaining as the unchanging message from God, and conveyed by those whom He deems faithful. Furthermore, we will lay aside things written in the Bible that we do not have a clear understanding of, as simply being—not important at this time. On the contrary, we will underscore the idea that truth, in the spiritual sense, is not subjective or open to reinterpretation. We will take the view that truth is consistent and rooted in divine guidance and accessible through those who live in accordance with God’s will, embodying the humility and childlike receptiveness that Jesus rightfully demanded.

This view of pure worship suggests a critique of the complexity and diversity of many interpretations within Christianity today. Subsequently, it advocates for a return to a simpler, more direct understanding of spiritual truths, as might be grasped by a child. This calls for a focus on the core, unalterable truths of faith and a life led by the spirit, that is, God’s word. That is to say it also aligns with God’s will, as the essence of true worship.

Spiritual Light Keeps Getting Brighter

However, this does not mean that Pure Worship is unchangeable. Not at all—for Proverbs 4:18 states this, “But the path of the just (or pure worshipers) is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day.” Nevertheless, these changes must come from God’s “faithful and wise servant”, that is, those who are taking the lead in the spiritual feeding of pure worshipers today. And they are doing this all over the world. More than 8.5 million worldwide, and rapidly growing!

1 Corinthians 2:12; 13; 14, “What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” (the NIV Bible).

2 Timothy 3:16, “Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.” (the WMB Bible). This verse is proof that the Bible is the word of God and sufficient for all aspects of our lives. It is therefore a matter of utmost importance to not only diligently study the scriptures but also strive to adhere to the instructions and doctrinal truths therein, if we aspire to grow as pure worshippers and walk in righteousness.

5-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Questions to Consider:
1) How has God arranged for Bible truth to be dispensed today? (See Matthew 24:45 above). [See Answer to Question 1]
2) In Matthew 24:45, what does the question raised by Jesus’ words, ‘Who then is the faithful and wise servant,’ convey to truth seekers today? [See Answer to Question 2]
3) What does it mean to be ‘led by the spirit’? (See 1 Corinthians 2:12; 13; 14 above). [See Answer to Question 3]
4) What does this teach us about the importance of consulting the Bible in a Christian’s life? ( See 2 Timothy 3:16 above). [See Answer to Question 4]


What Jesus’ Half-Brother Adds

James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote this under inspiration from God: “If you want to serve God in a completely good way, do things like this: Help children who have no parents and women who are widows. Help them in their troubles. If you serve God our Father like that, he will be pleased with you. Do not let the bad people in this world make you bad too” (See James 1:27, the EASY Bible).

This passage from James 1:27, as paraphrased in the Easy-to-Read version, emphasizes a practical and compassionate aspect of our Pure Worship to God. James, who is identified as the half-brother of Jesus in Christian tradition, underscores that true service to God goes beyond simply having or knowing the true worship of God, or performing the rituals, such as lighting candles. Yes, this passage reiterates that our worship must also display and encompass acts of kindness and support for those in need, specifically mentioning orphans and widows. Most importantly, this emphasis aligns with a broader biblical theme that values the care of the vulnerable and marginalized in our society as a reflection of one’s commitment to God.

6-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Question to Consider:
1) What does James 1:27 teach us about Pure Worship?


James Warns

James also warns against being corrupted by the negative influences of the world, indicating that pure worship is not just about external observance but also about maintaining purity of heart and action in a world that can often lead one astray. Not only does this teaching encourage believers to engage in acts of charity and compassion, but also to lead a life that resists the moral and ethical compromises often seen in society today.

This scripture highlights a dual aspect of a Christian’s life: active compassion towards those in need and personal integrity in the face of worldly pressures. Primarily, it suggests that serving God ‘in a completely good way’ involves practical love and support for the vulnerable coupled with a commitment to personal holiness and resistance to moral corruption.

7-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Question to Consider:
1) What dual aspect of a Christian’s life does the scripture highlight?



This article has provided our visitors with an in-depth exploration of what Pure Worship is from a biblical perspective.

Firstly, Pure Worship is defined as worship that is clean, undefiled, and aligned with God’s will, purpose, and guidance. Therefore, it is characterized by a lack of selfish motives such as seeking personal glory, respect, or material gain. Instead, it focuses on genuine devotion to God and the doing of His will even if it leads to personal sacrifice or misunderstanding from others.

Overall, Pure Worship is an unchanging, divinely guided devotion that transcends superficial practices and embraces both spiritual insight and practical compassion.

8-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Question to Consider:
1) Overall, what is Pure Worship?


Best Example

Jesus Christ is the best example of Pure Worship we could possibly give you. He had a job to do for Jehovah, his God and Father, and he set about doing just that. What an example he set!  

Jesus was kind, and he used his God given powers to benefit others showing how life will be when Satan’s world is removed from earth. Jesus was unselfish, loving, and always spoke truth. He felt that he was born to serve God for he said, “. . . For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of the truth listens to my voice”, (see John 18:34). We all have the hope of one day being able to serve God the way Jesus did.

John 18:34, “Jesus replied, “Is this your own question, or did others tell you about me?” (the NLT Bible).

9-Pause For Some Key Point Questions to Reflect on

Questions to Consider:
1) Who provided the best example of Pure Worship?
2) What Made Jesus Pure Worship such a fine example?
3) Do we have hope that one day we can serve God the way Jesus did?

[End Pure Worship Article]

Personal Bible Study

Finally, to learn how you can worship God more fully, we invite you to join our one-on-one Bible study course. This course will guide you to a more complete understanding of God and your worship of Him. Please use the contact form to take full advantage of this loving and free offer.  Your Christian Publisher, Doug.


The above profound statement made by Jesus to Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judaea, is worth restating. Listen again to what Jesus said to him: “. . . For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone [Yes, everyone,] who is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” We are all given the high honor of joining Jesus in this work and showing others that we are on the side of Jesus. It begins with us taking that first step and accepting our own personal Bible study via Zoom. Please use our ‘Contact Us’ page to do so today.

End of Article, last updated on 3-7-2014 3:30 PM CT

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Answers to Key Point Questions Above

Answers to Key Point Questions Number 6, 1

1) How has God arranged for Bible truth to be dispensed today? (Read: Matthew 24:45) [ >>Return<< ]

We’ll look at Matthew 24:45 to find the answer. It reads, “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season?

This scripture paints a ‘word picture’ of a lord, or “master”, who has authority over the household. This master appoints a faithful servant, over his house, the words ‘faithful’, and ‘wise’, teaches us something about this appointee. It shows us that the master over the house has great faith in his appointed servant doing a good job. First, what was that job that their master gave this servant? It was the job of feeding the master’s whole household while he was out. That is, to give them their food in due season. The master, in this metaphor, is of course Jesus himself. The next verse in this word picture says, “Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so!“.

Again, this teaches us that the master, which is Jesus, would going away. However, before going away he sets this appointee up, over his [entire] household. This appointee is called a ‘faithful and wise servant‘, who would, ‘give them [all the servants of the master] their food in due season.’

This shows that Jesus, before he returned to heaven, placed a class of faithful pure worshipers in charge over his household. These have always been the ones taking the lead in providing spiritual food to the master’s household.

Answer to Question 6, 1

Therefore, the answer to Question 6, 1 is, God wants Bible truth to be conveyed today, by a class of Pure Worshipers that His son, Jesus, has appointed, men whom Jesus calls spiritual faithful men, to convey His truths. He has only appointed this one group of pure worshipers for this job. This is consistent with the way God has guided His people throughout history. By appointing men to oversee His people, men like Noah, who led his family through the flood, Abraham, who led his family to the land God wanted to provide His nation with. Then we have the Nation of Israel, which came through Abraham’s seed and led God’s people to Jesus, the promised messiah. Then we have the Apostles, which led spiritual Israel, the Son’s of God’s Kingdom all the way to the end of the first century (CE).

These Son’s of God’s Kingdom are leading Pure Worshipers today, and their lead will take them all the way to Armageddon. [End of Question 6, 1 >>Return<<]

Answers to Key Point Questions Number 6, 2

2) In Matthew 24:45, what does the question raised by Jesus’ words, ‘Who then is the faithful and wise servant,’ convey to truth seekers today? [ >>Return<< ]

Answer to Question 6, 2

The question raised by Jesus in his metaphor of the faithful servant was this ‘Who then is the faithful and wise servant?’ This conveys the idea that a person who is seeking Pure Worship must learn who these spiritual leaders are. Why? Because they will be providing us this spiritual food in due season, which means at just the right time! [End of Question 6, 2 >>Return<<]

Answers to Key Point Questions Number 6, 3

3) What does it mean to be ‘led by the spirit’? (See 1 Corinthians 2:12; 13; 14) [ >>Return<< ]

Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, the World Messianic Bible (WMB) reads. “But we received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit, which is from God, . . . We also speak these things, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things. Now the natural man [or men of this world think] . . . they are foolishness to him; and he can’t know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Answer to Question 6, 3

It means that we allow ourselves to be led by what the Bible teaches us. When we choose to learn from God’s word, and from the ‘faithful and wise servant‘ who feed us from His word, we receive God’s spirit. What an honor that is to carry that spirit with us throughout the day. However, we must not allow that spirit to run out, as a car that runs out of gas. We must replenish that spirit by taking in more of the food we are fed from the Bible. Being led by spirit also means that we stay clear of those who think like the world. That is, unless they are open to discussing the Bible with you. [End of Question 6, 3 >>Return<<]

Answers to Key Point Questions Number 6, 4

4) What does this teach us about the importance of consulting the Bible in a Christian’s life? (2 Timothy 3:16) [ >>Return<< ]

2 Timothy 3:16 the World Messianic Bible (WMB) reads, “Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.

The words ‘God-breathed‘ is also translated as ‘inspired’. The NWT reads ‘All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.’

Answer to Question 6, 4

Therefore, the answer to Question 6, 4 is this. A Pure Worshiper of God must believe that All Scripture is inspired of God, that they are God-breathed and therefore, they have the final say in all matters of a Christian’s life and family. [End of Question 6, 4 >>Return<<]

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