Free Online Bible Course TB1 Preview
Free Online Bible Course TB1, with your own private instructor, plus an Online-Christian-Church. Enjoy this preview below.
But first, did you know your browser will read this material to you? If not, simply Google, ‘How can I get my browser to read aloud?’. So far, the one I like best is Microsoft Edge. You simply hold down the CTRL-SHIFT keys and tap ‘U’ and it begins reading from the beginning, (best used with your laptop).

About this Bible Course
Below you’ll find a preview of our excellent, in-depth, Bible study course. The course is free of charge, and anyone desiring to gain better understanding of Pure Worship and the Bible, may take this course. It offers remote Bible learning via Zoom.
Jesus chose ordinary people, like fishermen, to teach his message. In other words, all are welcome regardless of your educational background or your faith. Also, this course is taught by both men and women Mentors/Instructors, and we will try to match you up with the one you prefer.
A Bible Understanding Study Course Designed for Zoom
This course is designed to be studied with one of our spiritually qualified mentors. While we prefer to teach it via Zoom, you may also arrange for it to be taught using WhatsApp or other media. It is taught anywhere in the world where the student speaks and understands English, and hopefully, with God’s blessing, more languages will be added in the future. will email you this free course after you fill out the form below, and after us meeting you via Zoom.
Your instructor will take you by the hand and lead you through this course free of charge.
Acts 22:11, “And since I could not see of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by those who were with me. . .” [the ESV Bible.]
In this account, Saul’s journey from blindness to being led by the hand may mirror our own needs for spiritual clarity to Pure Worship. Just as Saul was guided by Jesus’ help, we too will benefit from a qualified instructor taking us by the hand to illuminate our path. We encourage you to embrace this guidance; let it transform you as it did Saul when he became the Apostle Paul.
Finding a Mentor for This Course
To have a qualified instructor contact you, male or female, to begin this Bible Course, fill out the Contact Form located at the bottom of this page. Also, we encourage you to check out our free Online-Christian-Church meetings page. These Church services are offered free via Zoom. Check them out as soon as possible!
At, rather than focusing on one’s religion as the way to serve God, we prefer the term ‘Pure Worship’. Men from the Bible who practiced Pure Worship were men such as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, along with many others. These men never spoke of their religion; those who knew these men, knew them as men of God.
The Bible refers to the life these faithful men lived as ‘the way’. This course will teach you Pure Worship, which is a way of life for Christians to please God. While at some point, we’ll teach religion, one’s religion will not be a main focus of this course.
Read: (How You Might Recognize Pure Worship)
Isaiah 30:21, “And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way. Walk in it’ in case you should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.“
A Word About Perfection and Our Free Online Course TB1 Preview
No, we do not have to be perfect to practice Pure Worship, for none of us are perfect. However, we must walk in ‘the way’ and congregate with other Pure Worshipers, when possible; just as Apostle Paul and other faithful apostles taught us the Christian way. Therefore, we encourage you to attend our free Online-Christian-Church services via Zoom, as soon as possible.
Read: (See Why All Pure Worshipers Will Sin and Why We Need Christian Fellowship)
Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” [the NIV Bible]
Hebrews 10:23-25, “Let us hold firmly the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for the one who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.”
Now, Enjoy Our Preview of this Wonderful Bible Course
Bible-Study-Course 1
This Bible course begins with the Book of Genesis, and other scriptures throughout the Bible that explain, in detail, the big issue that had Adam and Eve removed from the Garden of Eden. Adam’s rebellion in Eden is what has brought so much suffering upon all mankind throughout history. This course will explain what God will soon do and why He has waited till now to act.
From the very beginning, the course talks about the needs of man and how God is fully aware of those needs and will soon act. See Ecclesiastes 8:9, “All this I have seen. . . [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury.“
The course brings so much encouragement to all Christians that are seeking answers to life’s big question, of why there is so much human suffering today. It also shows why we can have strong hope that God will soon bring an end to this suffering.
Step By Step Learning—Enjoy the Warm Christian Fellowship
You and your assigned mentor will read a small section of the course. Afterwards you both will discuss briefly what you just learned. Then your mentor will have you look up the supporting scriptures. You’ll first cover the supporting scriptures in the material covered, then you’ll look up all other supporting scriptures. Finally, your mentor will ask the question. What are the questions for?
All the questions in this study course are designed to facilitate dialogue between you and your instructor. That’s right. They aim to initiate conversations about the content and the relevant scriptures. There are no right or wrong answers. Your mentor simply wants to be sure you have the points in the lesson right before you move to the next section. Also, your mentor will guide you through this study course at a comfortable pace for YOU.
Hope From the Bible
Many people do not realize the kind of hope and assurance we can get from the Bible. Many also see how Hollywood, TV, social media, and more, make fun of the Bible and look down on all Pure Worshipers anytime they try to bring up a Bible subject with those outside the Christian faith. Because of this, many people hold back and miss out on one of life’s greatest joys. Please, don’t allow this to hold you back.
We only ask that you commit to covering at least three lessons in this study course and then make up your mind. During this period, perhaps you can arrange to attend a Zoom Sunday church service with your mentor. This will help build an even greater faith in God’s word.
The scriptures tell us that God draws us to Him through a study of His word and by enjoying fellowship with other Pure Worshipers during church services, whether on Zoom or in person. (See Hebrews 10:24-25; 2 Timothy 2:25; John 6:44; Hosea 11:4).
Faith Strengthening Scriptures:
1 John 4:8, ”Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.“
Psalm 145:16, “You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.“
Deuteronomy 32:4, “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; righteous and upright is He.“
Revelation 21:5, “Then the One sitting on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new!” also he said, “Write, ‘These words are true and trustworthy!’”” [the CJB Bible]
Things You’ll Learn As You Cover this Amazing Bible Course
Why We Humans Grow Old and Die?
Where Are my Dead Loved Ones?
Are There Really Wicked Spirits on Earth?
Why Has God Permitted So Much Suffering in Our Day?
What is God’s Kingdom and When Will It Come?
Are We Truly Living in the Last Days as Some Have Claimed?
And much more…
We hope you have enjoyed this Free Online Bible Course TB1 Preview
Find your mentor/instructor now; scroll down and find the form below.
[End of Free Online Bible Course TB1 Preview]
Instructor’s Form
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