BibleSnippet 39:
“Powerful By Faith 2021 Convention Talk 2a”
Does God exist? Is there really a God at all? How can we know for sure that God exists? These questions and more will be answered in this 2021 Convention Talk 2a (part 1). But why do Christians need this talk? Strong faith has to be based on real evidence in order to survive. Therefore, this four-part series begins with an examination of the evidence that God does exist.
Note: This four-part series will cover the real evidence that 2a) God exists. In addition, it also shows 2b) evidence that the Bible is truly God’s word, and 2c) shows how following God’s moral standards really is the best way of life, finally, 2d) concludes by presenting strong evidence of God’s love for mankind. In conclusion, I know you’ll enjoy all four parts of this series —Doug (PS: Move from part to part by click just below)
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Summary of The Scriptures Used In 2021 Convention Talk 2a
Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:12 “Furthermore, God made you alive, though you were dead in your trespasses and sins, . . . At that time you were without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel, strangers to the covenants of the promise; you had no hope and were without God in the world.” These two Bible verses show the spiritual condition we are in before our dedication and baptism to God, which gives our lives real meaning. Unlocking the future for us.
Psalm 111:10-11 “The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. All those observing his orders* show good insight. His praise endures forever.” To clarify, this verse shows that our dedication to serve God is the beginning of wisdom. God is eager to teach his servants how to benefit themselves.
Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.” Therefore, this is showing that faith is not just “hoping in something”, no, far from it. It’s the assured expectation. The more we learn the Bible the more assured a Christian becomes.
Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we perceive that the systems of things were put in order by God’s word, so that what is seen has come into existence from things that are not visible.” this verse shows what are the things put in order by God here? What has God created from the things unseen by men? Find out at position 52:09 in his talk.
Video 54:40 – An All Wise Creator – The Human Body Cells
Romans 1:18-20 “. . . his [God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable“. So, for the people who prefer not to believe in God, this scripture says they are without an excuse, even though they may make many excuses, and some may even sound reasonable. But when we examine the evidence, their excuses are found lacking. 56:34
Luke 11:13 Jesus said: “Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”
Video 58:41 – An All Wise Creator – The Human Eye 2
end 1:010:52
Now, Enjoy This 2021 Convention Talk 2a (part 1)
by: David Schafer (agb) Timeline Spot: 47:53
Why We Have Faith in God’s Existence
(Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:12; Hebrews 11:3)
The Video(s) Timestamp for this part are:
Video 1 54:40 The Human Body Cells
Video 2 58:41 The Human Eye 2
Other Parts of the 2021 Convention Talk 2 Series
Talk-2-part-2 is titled Why We Have Faith in God’s Word (Isaiah 46:10) 1:02:16 by: Mark Noumair (agb)
Talk-2 part-3 is titled Why We Have Faith in God’s Moral Standards (Isaiah 48:17) 1:14:35 Samuel Herd (gb)
Talk-2-part-4 is titled Why We Have Faith in God’s Love (John 6:44) 1:26:25 Gerrit Lösch (gb)
Convention Theme Scripture:
“Give us more faith”—Luke 17:5
TIMESTAMP-LINKS: Firstly, timestamps listed above allow you to view this Powerful Faith ‘Christian Convention’ one public speaker part at a time. Secondly, it documents each segment with the video time as well, making it easy to locate any segment you need. (see below).
Additional Timestamp Information For This 2021 Convention Talk 2a
These timestamps are best used on a laptop or desktop computer because your cell phone does not pop-up the time as you slide your finger across the video timeline. In such a case you have to guess the position and that is much harder to do. We are waiting on the information we need to add the timestamp to the URL which will then set the video to the right position automatically for you. I just sent a letter out to Wallkill NY today (8/18/21) and should have an answer back by the middle of September. When, and if, that happens I’ll revise all links to the videos at that time.
Note: If the link to the video is on your cell phone, and you wish to watch it on your computer, simply have the sender send it to your email inbox.
Featured Video: “2021 Powerful by Faith! Convention: Friday Morning Session—Part 1” Click the Link Below and Enjoy:
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How we know God Exists
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39 “Powerful By Faith 2021 Convention Talk 2a” –
How we know God Exists
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[End of Christian Convention Talk 2a]
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