Christian Meetings via Zoom!
Welcome to our Christian Meetings via Zoom page! Here, you will find all the information you need about our online church services and how to connect with like-minded Christians from the comfort of your own home.
Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.” (AMPC Bible).
Discover the Joy of Online Church Services and Connect with Like-Minded Believers With Christian Meetings via Zoom!
Are you searching for a way to connect with like-minded Christians and grow your faith from the comfort of your own home? Our Christian Meetings via Zoom and Online Church Services offer a convenient and engaging way to experience the joy of worship, Bible study, and fellowship, all from the convenience of your own device.
We invite you to join us for a one-time Sunday morning worship service with no pressure and see how much you will enjoy it via Zoom. Our team is here to help you get set up with a simple Zoom link that does all the work for you. With just a push of a button, you can attend church anytime you wish, from the comfort of your own home.
When you visit our virtual community of Christians, you will enjoy the low-pressure experience of beginning with online church services first. Connect with Christians from your local area easily and build lasting friendships. Eventually, you may want to attend in-person events to further support your spiritual growth, while building friendships with people you feel you already know.
Begin your journey with online church services and start connecting with like-minded Christians via Zoom today! You will learn more about the Bible than ever before while connecting with people who share your faith.
What are people saying about Zoom Church?
Testimonial 1
A body of Christian leaders in one congregation told us this. “After we began hosting Christian meetings on Zoom, many new ones began attending our meetings using this new tool. After leaving Zoom, and attending in person, some have told us that they quickly grew to have a closeness with the whole congregation just from hearing the congregation’s comments during the meeting.
They also tell us that they felt loved and cared for by our loving Creator for providing them such a gift. The convenience of attending church online has allowed many to gather with fellow believers living near them, and to build meaningful relationships that have strengthened their faith and supported our spiritual growth. They’re grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this virtual community and experience. One member said, “The joy of worship and fellowship has been wonderful, but I don’t know if it would have happened had it not all began from the comfort of my own home.”
Testimonial 2
Marie stated, “As a lady living alone in my late 50’s who has had multiple knee surgeries, attending church via Zoom Christian Meetings has been such a great value to me. I never have to miss a Christian meeting that I enjoy so much. I thank God everyday for Zoom, and it’s so easy to use. All I do is open my device, click the button for Zoom, enter the meeting ID and password, and then enter the number of people in my home who will be watching, and there I am. I’m at the meeting! I love it!
Even with my health condition, I can stay so focused on what the speaker is teaching me about the Bible. I stay on just a few minutes after, just to say hi to everyone on Zoom and hear what they have to say. Then I leave feeling so thankful I have this wonderful new tool to use, and it’s all free.”
Testimonial 3
Tim exclaimed, “I lost my eyesight and had to give up driving. I was all alone and felt depressed and unloved. My only son was working a job 350 miles away. I knew I needed to connect with people right away. I always had a love for God, so I checked out and found they offered Zoom Christian meetings.
This has been a Godsend for me. I have learned so much about the Bible using Zoom in this way. I also ask for a personal one-on-one Bible study, and the brother would Zoom me once a week. He’d always invite others from the congregation to join in. This helped me connect with those in the congregation much faster. Between Zoom and my Bible Study, I have gotten to know the whole congregation. So when I can, I now call an Uber to take me to the meetings in person. I now wish I could attend all of them in person. But I still have my Zoom Christian meetings, and they have been a real lifesaver. I love saying hi to all afterward. The whole thing is just so nice to have and be a part of.”
Testimonial 4
“This was my first in-person meeting,” relates a Brother Krzysztof Hoszowski of Poland. “I came to know the truth virtually by means of Zoom. My baptism was also streamed via Zoom. I knew what in-person meetings looked like because I had watched a lot virtually. I felt delighted by the atmosphere of brotherly love, joy, and kindness.”
Connect with Like-Minded Christians via Zoom and Build Meaningful Relationships That Will Strengthen Your Faith!
Are you seeking to grow your faith in the Bible and connect with others who love God? Why not commit to just one Sunday meeting and check it out? Simply fill out the form below and discover how easy online church can be. You’ll experience the power of online church services via Zoom with your first visit! In addition the information you give us below is held in strict confidence.
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