ChatGPT | Meet Our Dear Friend We Call, Professor Bible

Professor Bible is the latest artificial intelligence (AI) model, commonly known as ChatGPT. It is a tool that we are adding to our teaching repertoire here at This new tool allows us to teach you how to understand the Bible in a fresh, unbiased, and exciting way.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the use of AI. And we’ll show you how to utilize this tool when doing personal Bible study.

When you discover how this tool can help you. How it will help you wade through all the rhetoric from Christendom’s churches today, you’ll want to thank us. Especially when we think of all those confusing teachings out there.

But with the help of AI you will find real Bible truths. Never again will you be in the dark or confused about what God teaches in His Sacred Word!

ChatGPT | Who Developed It – Some Brief Technical Stuff ?

On November 30, 2022 , according to Wikipedia, ChatGPT began, a chatbot developed by OpenAI. Built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of language models, and proven to work well. But that’s just the boring stuff!

What does This Mean?

What does all that technical jargon mean? It’s over our pay grade here at, but here’s what we have discovered about ChatGPT.

It’s true that OpenAI developed ChatGPT with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. And they have succeeded in doing so! In our opinion, after just a few days of use, ChatGPT is not only friendly but also brilliant. Moreover, it seems to be fluent in all the original languages of the Bible, including Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.

ChatGPT and the Bible: How Plans to Use It

Are you curious about how ChatGPT can help you understand the Bible? If so, wonder no more because it can truly assist you! However, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re getting your answers from the Bible. And not from a human perspective (refer to our main page, 12 Unbiased Men) [Note: Use back arrow to return]. That’s precisely where comes in.

So, let us introduce you to our new “Professor Bible”. We have given it this name because of its remarkable, unbiased understanding of the Bible. And… Its ability to comprehend the original Bible manuscripts written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic languages. At, we are thrilled to have this tool at our disposal. It’s excited to use it to teach you how to understand the Bible in an entirely new and unbiased way. Why?

Because we quickly recognized what this new tool can effectively teach you. Yes, how you can understand the Bible. And, with an entirely new, unbiased approach that will be fun and exciting for all our readers.

But to utilize this tool, you must ask it the right questions. Keep in mind that ChatGPT is programmed to remain neutral. And particularly in regards to religious matters. Therefore, it’s essential to frame your questions in line with what the Bible says on the topic. Rather than personal viewpoints or opinions of mere men. Again, this is especially crucial for truth seekers. Given the numerous Christian religions worldwide, each with its unique interpretation and belief system.

ChatGPT | Asking The Right Questions

Asking the right questions and approaching the matter from a Biblical perspective will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible’s real teachings and message. But it may require you to research and analyze many more scriptures on the topic, including both supportive and opposing viewpoints, or scriptural references, that people may use before you structure your question to any AI.

We’ll teach you how to do that as you read our newly posted articles and blogs here at And, if you do not have time to do all that research, simply ask to join our mailing list using the “Contact Form” we have provide and we’ll keep you informed of any new releases and/or articles coming up in the future.   

Illustrate This Point

To illustrate this point, we asked our new Professor Bible a general question about the “false prophet” that was spoken of many times by Jesus and his apostles, which led to us having to ask a second question, based on a much more detailed, careful analysis of scriptures related to this topic. We had to do this in order for it to give us our answer based only from the Bible, and not from men.

You see, its first answers was based on what men had written all the way back to the end of the first century. But when asked our more detailed question, with lots of scriptural references, it answered us based solely on the Bible, with a reasonable and unbiased answer, providing ample evidence of the presence of false teachers and prophets throughout the history of Christianity.

ChatGPT | Potential Impact

With the potential impact on the more than 45,000 different Christian religions worldwide, not to mention how it might change the views of many non-Christian religions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, ChatGPT can help us set aside all human biases and focus solely on the scriptures themselves.

But more importantly, YOU can now learn how to understand the Bible while using it more easily, which will allow you to narrow down all these religions to the “one faith” the Bible proclaims at Ephesians 4:5, which reads “We have only one Lord, one faith, and one baptism” (CEV) . That is, of course, if you learn how to ask AI in the right way…

Professor Bible: The point is clear, ChatGPT is so knowledgeable that it will absolutely amaze you. That is why we have named it “Professor Bible”.

ChatGPT | In Summary Our Conclusion

In conclusion, ChatGPT, our personal “Professor” when it comes to the Bible, is an incredible tool that can help you understand the Bible in a completely unbiased way. However, to make the most of this tool, you need to approach it with the right mindset and ask questions that are aligned with the teachings of the Bible and not that of men.

At, we are excited to incorporate Professor Bible into our teaching repertoire and use it to help others understand their Bible better. We hope that this article has opened your eyes to this new power, and incredible, tool. We hope you can also see how it can and will help you in your spiritual journey when using it correctly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Remember, the truth is out there, and with the help of ChatGPT or Professor Bible and, you can find it!

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