BibleSnippet 35:
“#35 Noah—The Detailed Account (Plus Podcast and Video links)”
What does the details of Noah’s account tell us? Why did people take no note of what was about to happen? Noah tried to talk to them, they saw him building the ark, for perhaps 60-years or more. They also saw the animals entering the ark. Yet, they still took no note. Could this happen today?
Jesus said; “and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away. . .”—Matthew 24:39.
Are people taking “no note” today? If so, how does their attitude affect us? Furthermore, what are the dangers?
Today’s Podcast (5:29 minutes) and Animated Video (38:40 minutes) will consider accurate details of Noah’s account, and how people’s reactions today are very similar. They will also help us see how knowing this can save our lives.
The Animated Video is a great way for you to bond with your children. If you have small kids or grandkids, place them in your lap and watch this video with them. They will love it, and love you for taking this time with them. Enjoy –Douglas
Featured Podcast: “The Story of Noah and the Great Flood—Is It Just a Myth?” Click the Link Below and Enjoy:
Featured Podcast: “Noah—Faith Moved Him to Obey” Click the Link Below and Enjoy:
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“#35 Noah—The Detailed Account (Plus—Podcast and Video links)”
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“#35 Noah—The Detailed Account (Plus—Podcast and Video links)”
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