BibleSnippet 30

BibleSnippet 30:
Struggling with Wicked Spirits…
How do wicked spirits mislead God’s human family? Does God offer help to those who reach out to him in their struggle with these demon forces? What blessings come from resisting these wicked spirit forces?

We have a struggle . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.”—EPH. 6:12

Is spiritism, magic, astrology or fortune-telling tools of Satan or are they harmless fun. The answers to these questions could mean lifesaving protection to those who listen. God does not harm us, he warns us and protects those who heed his warnings. Therefore, don’t take today’s Podcast lightly. Make no mistake, Satan and his demons are human’s main enemies when we consider our “everlasting lives” are at stake. God gives us what we need to win our struggles with these demons and gain everlasting life —enjoy the Podcast.

Featured Podcast: “Accept Jehovah’s Help to resist Wicked Spirits” Click The Link Below and Enjoy:

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How to Send This BibleSnippet 30

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– “Struggling with Wicked Spirits…” –

Hi John Doe, (change the name and place a note to your friend here)

– “Struggling with Wicked Spirits…” –

Certainly, you wouldn’t want to miss today’s short BibleSnippet, see title above. However, if this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that will, (text sent by a loving friend or an acquaintance who cares, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend” Prov. 30:17).

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When reading the Bible seems overwhelming, you might consider reading our BibleSnippet(s) daily. In short –they gradually help you better understand your Bible. Also see our Home-Page;

Christian love —Doug.


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