BibleSnippet 25

BibleSnippet 25:
Faithful Through The Tribulation…
The darkest period of human existence accrued with the Flood of Noah’s day that Jesus referred to. He said; “Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of man” (Luke 17:26).

Of course Jesus was referring to what the Bible later called the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). Mankind will soon find himself engulfed in it and some Christians might not see it coming. The great tribulation will immediately follow the cry of “peace and security” that the nations will proclaim, no doubt from the turmoil that has preceded their cry of peace.

Love Jehovah, all you who are loyal to him! Jehovah protects the faithful.”​—PS. 31:23.

During this tribulation, which soon thereafter leads to Armageddon, people will be shocked to see everything that once seemed so stable begin to fail. Does it not seem to be moving in that direction now? The closer we get to the tribulation the more these events will affect even Christians today.

So how can we be sure God will “protect” us? What destruction does “Babylon the Great” face? And how do we uphold pure worship during these times? Find the answers to these questions and more in today’s featured podcast:

Entitled:Stay Faithful Through The “Great Tribulation” Click Below:

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– “Faithful Through The Tribulation…” –

That’s the title of today’s short BibleSnippet. If this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that will (text sent by a loving friend or an acquaintance who cares). “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend” (Prov. 27:17).

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When reading the Bible seems overwhelming, you might consider reading our daily Snippets. Doing this will gradually help you better understand the Bible when reading it, one short Snippet at a time.

Meanwhile, if it be God’s will, may he bless your day, and may it prove to be a great one.

Christian love —Doug.


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Views: 467


  1. Loved reading this it was so motivating and I can’t wait to see more of your great writing

    1. Thank you for the kind words. You are one of many reasons I love writing these. Again, your words was inspiring