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Ask us any Bible question you wish and we’ll research the web for the right answer. This means that if you are ever reading your Bible and run across a question, stop and ask us. We’ll do all the research for you.

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You may Opt-out at any time by simply clicking the opt-out link at the bottom of your next email from us, or by going to our Contact Us page.

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Why Fill Out the Above Opt-in Form

Keep Informed of New Post

2 As a result, we’ll be notified first of any new page-posts. So, you’ll never miss anything you would like to read, and you’ll be notified of a new post, which will allow you to be among the first to learn of these all new articles. Furthermore, this will help you build and/or maintain a strong love of God.

Learn More about Our Bible Study Program

3 Secondly, you may wish to learn more of our private One-on-One Bible Study program.

3 Therefore, if you choose to proceed, each week you’ll have all your Bible questions answered in a face to face format with a well-qualified Bible instructor.

4 Jesus said; “Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

Bible Studies Conducted All Over the World Each Year

5 In addition to the above, each year we study the Bible with people all over the world. As a result, if you have been looking for the truth, we teach all the same truth that Jesus spoke of above, and it’s free. In conclusion, this means that you may study the Bible in your own language anywhere. So do not hesitate just because you don’t speak English.

I’ll look to hear from you soon -Douglas

This page was last updated on Aug 11, 2021 – Opt-in for – Free Bible Study Program. Return to Home Page

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