A BibleSnippet 071021

2021 Convention Talk 3

A BibleSnippet 071021 —Saturday, July 10. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” Preview: Jesus said Christians will face persecution. We therefore must build our courage to be able to endure this when it comes our way. But How? Scripture: Trembling at men […]

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A BibleSnippet 070821

2021 Convention Talk 3

A BibleSnippet 070821 —Thursday, July 8. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” Preview: Satan is the master of deception. He fools many into thinking they are free. But the real truth is —he has actually taken them captive. This Snippet highlights a […]

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A BibleSnippet 070721

2021 Convention Talk 3

A BibleSnippet 070721 —Wednesday, July 7. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” Preview: This Bible Snippet will help all Christians to stay alert to the events that trigger the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. It will provide proof that we are nearer to these […]

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A BibleSnippet 070621

2021 Convention Talk 3

Scripture: God. in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness.—Rom. 1:24.. A BibleSnippet 070621 —Tuesday, July 6, 2021. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” Preview: This Snippet will help strengthen our Christian conviction that God is the only […]

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A BibleSnippet 070521

2021 Convention Talk 3

Should they inquire of the dead in behalf of the living?—Isa. 8:19. A BibleSnippet 070521 —text for Monday, July 5, 2021. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read his word —the Holy Bible” It takes courage to resist wicked spirits, especially when well-meaning relatives try to pressure us […]

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A BibleSnippet 070321

2021 Convention Talk 3

Pray continually.—Matt. 26:41. A BibleSnippet 070321 —text for Saturday, July 3, 2021. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read the Bible” What should we pray for? Start by praying for more faith. (Luke 17:5; John 14:1) We need faith because Satan will test all who follow Jesus. (Luke […]

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A BibleSnippet 070221

2021 Convention Talk 3

There is . . . a time to speak.​—Eccl. 3:1, 7. A BibleSnippet 070221 —text for Friday July 2, 21. One reader said “A lesson needed by all of us.” Speech is a gift from Jehovah. (See Ex. 4:10, 11; Rev. 4:11) His Word helps us to understand how to use our gift in a kind and […]

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A BibleSnippet 070121

2021 Convention Talk 3

Let your petitions be made known to God.​—Phil. 4:6. A BibleSnippet 070121 —text for Thursday July 1, 21. As one reader put it “Indeed. What a fine message.” Our prayers do not have to be poetic or perfectly structured. We may sometime use expression of bitter word including many sobs of grief. But Jehovah hears […]

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The Death of Jesus


2021 Memorial of Christ Death Event has Passed – Why Not Plan Now For Next Year’s Event of 2022 -Why? Each year millions gather, around the world, to show their love and appreciation to God for allowing the death of Jesus for mankind’s salvation and hope, and to show their love to his son for […]

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