BibleSnippet 28

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 28: “Speech, a Gift From God…” Is human speech a gift? Or did man perhaps develop it over millions of years? If it is the latter, does that mean that alligators will one day talk? Of course not! Did you know that when Moses asked God about him having to speak to the powerful Pharaoh of Egypt, […]

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BibleSnippet 27

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 27: “Allowing God to Reduce Stress…” Do you find yourself anxious over problems, sometimes struggling with anxiety to the point of wondering how you’ll make it through? 1 Sam. 2:21 tells of Hannah, a servant of God, who had all the problems we sometimes face… It says; “Jehovah turned his attention to Hannah…“​—1 Sam. 2:21 So does […]

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BibleSnippet 26

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 26: “Put God Back in Your Life…” At times, our love for God can be like driving through a mountainous region, it seems to go up and down. However, when we look back on our lives it seems we are the happiest when our love for God is at its strongest. God’s word tells […]

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BibleSnippet 25

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 25: Faithful Through The Tribulation… The darkest period of human existence accrued with the Flood of Noah’s day that Jesus referred to. He said; “Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of man” (Luke 17:26). Of course Jesus was referring to what […]

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BibleSnippet 24

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 24:Who are the Anointed of God Today… How do they differ from other church members? Does God really have two groups of Christians serving him today? If so, what reward does each group receive for remaining faithful to Christ Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God? Jesus said; “And I have other sheep, which are not […]

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BibleSnippet 23

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 23: A Source of Great Comfort… For many, life can be so distressing at times… Do you know someone going through difficulties right now, difficulties that may be causing them great distress? Do you want to help but you simply don’t know where to begin? The apostle Paul pointed to his Christian brothers and said; “…These are […]

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BibleSnippet 22

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 22: Train Children to Love God… Married couples today face many challenging questions when planning to have children. How many, how should they train them, and what is the best way to help children know and love God? “Children are an inheritance from Jehovah.”​—PS. 127:3. We invite you to find the answers to these […]

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BibleSnippet 21

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 21: Do You Know Jehovah… Most Christian today believe they know God, but do they “know him” or “know of him”? What does it mean to really know the God of the Holy Bible? The book of Psalms makes a powerful statement: Those knowing your name will trust in you; you will never abandon […]

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BibleSnippet 20

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 20: Making Good Decisions… God has dignified mankind by allowing us to make decisions. However, He wants us to make good decisions. James 1:5 tells Christians; “…if any one of you is lacking in wisdom [that is, making bad spiritual decisions, such as, not reading the Bible, praying, or associating with the wrong people regularly, […]

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BibleSnippet 19

2021 Convention Talk 3

BibleSnippet 19: Our Large Shield of Faith…   In ancient times soldiers carried a shield to protect them from enemy’s arrows. So the Bible tells Christians, in a metaphoric spiritual way, that they must put on this soldier’s complete suit of armor, which included his shield. (see Ephesians 6:11-12) …Some have been led astray from […]

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