A BibleSnippet 070321

Pray continually.—Matt. 26:41.

A BibleSnippet 070321 —text for Saturday, July 3, 2021. We talk to God when we pray. He talks to us when we read the Bible”

What should we pray for? Start by praying for more faith. (Luke 17:5; John 14:1) We need faith because Satan will test all who follow Jesus. (Luke 22:31 The Byington Bible reads; “Simon, Simon, Satan has been demanding to have you and the others surrendered to him to sift like wheat”)  

How does strong faith help? When we have done all we reasonably can do when facing trials, faith will move us to leave the matter with Jehovah. Because we trust that He can handle matters better than we ever could, we have peace of mind and heart. (1 Pet. 5:6, 7 NWT in part reads; “… throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”)

Maintaining Inner Peace:

Prayer also helps us to maintain our inner peace no matter what trials we face. In addition we could also consider the example others. Take Robert, a faithful brother who is now in his 80’s. He says: “The counsel at Philippians 4:6, 7 has helped me to cope with many trials in my life. I have had to deal with financial problems and many others.” What has helped Robert to maintain inner peace? He continues; “I pray as soon as I start to feel anxious.” He says, I believe that the more frequently and intensely I pray, the more peaceful I feel.” (For more, listen to the Podcast: Imitate Jesus and Remain at Peace).

A BibleSnippet 070321 (End)

Each BibleSnippet will draw you closer to God even though it only takes a moment to read. They provide the reader with a short message for comfort and encouragement, and try to end with a link to a podcast study article for those who need more on the subject. A message they contain includes a scripture that attempts to remind people of God’s love. We draw readers to the things in our daily lives that are all around us to show God’s love. We do this with as few words as possible, and without losing the power of the Bible message it’s conveying. The Bible described God in this manner:

Closing Comments (More About God)

Ps. 103 8-15Jehovah is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love.  He will not always find fault, Nor will he stay resentful forever. 10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor has he repaid us what our errors deserve. 11 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So great is his loyal love toward those who fear him. 12 As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, So far off from us he has put our transgressions.

13 As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. 14 For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust. 15 As for mortal man, his days are like those of grass; He blooms like a blossom of the field. 16 But when a wind blows, it is no more, As though it was never there. 17 But the loyal love of Jehovah is for all eternity Toward those who fear him, And his righteousness toward their children’s children.”

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