Christian Convention—Talk 2c

BibleSnippet 41:
Powerful Faith ‘Christian’ Convention via Video”

Is God’s moral standards too restrictive? Should we really have to stay faithful to our marriage mate? Why did God create sex so enjoyable and then ask us not to enjoy it unless we were married? In today’s world, many people reject God’s laws and moral standards, (see Romans 1:18-32). They allow their own personal desires to guide them as if to say God is wrong and I am right. The world’s popular opinions seem to influence people today in matters of dress, grooming, and moral guidance, more than that of God.

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Many even flaunt their gross wrongdoing in front of God’s people and criticize those who try to live their life by God’s moral standards. But are they right, or is God’s way really the best way of life for all humans living on earth today? Watch and listen carefully to Talk 2c entitled: Why We Have Faith in God’s Moral Standards.

Parts in this Series

Note: This four-part series will cover the real evidence that 2a) God exists. In addition, it also shows 2b) evidence that the Bible is truly God’s word, and 2c) shows how following God’s moral standards really is the best way of life. Finally, 2d) concludes by presenting strong evidence of God’s love for mankind. In conclusion, I know you’ll enjoy all four parts of this series —Doug (PS: Move from part to part by clicking just below)

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Scriptures List

Romans 7:21-23; Paul says: “I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law.”  We all feel as Paul did at times –do we not?

1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Says “Or, do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom?” Therefore, here, Paul was telling his listeners that God will not allow unrighteousness to prevail in His Kingdom with Jesus Christ as King.     

Isaiah 48:17; This says that God is; “The one teaching you to benefit yourself.” God is doing this teaching work now via His people, so we must take advantage of God’s teaching arrangements now, before God acts and rids this world of all the unrighteous.   

How Does Low Morals Affect Humans?

1 Corinthians 6:18; Says; “Whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.

Video 1:18:58 Marriage — Benefits of God’s Moral Standards

Deuteronomy 32:29; Reads: “If only they were wise! They would ponder over this.” As a result of pondering, it is made clear that the more we sin the less we see the benefits of God’s laws. It’s like being in the ocean and drifting away until we can no longer see land. Galatians 6:7-8; Says: “the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but the one sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life. . .” Is this not comforting? Moreover, does this benefit alone not make us want to conform to God’s laws and his moral standards? In addition, can you not see that one day there will be a world full of righteous people living by God’s laws, and that that world will be a much better place to live?       

Psalm 19:7-9; Says: “The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise.” Basically, God sees anyone not following his laws as stupid. We must see how much higher God’s ways are than mankind’s ways. When we see this, and make needed changes, we begin showing wisdom and God then sees us as wise.

Psalm 19: 11; Says: “By them [God’s law] your servant has been warned; in keeping them, there is a large reward.” God constantly reminds us that his way of life is well worth the effort. There is absolutely nothing on this earth, including sex, that is worth giving up God’s rewards for.

Now, Enjoy This 2021 Convention Talk 2c (part 3)

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Timeline Within Video: 1:14:35

Why We Have Faith in God’s Moral Standards
(Isaiah 48:17)

The Video(s) Timestamp for this part is:
Video 1, at timeline, 1:18:58. Historical evidence of why we can put faith in the Bible.
This entire day’s video, with all talks, is available upon request—free of charge.
Request video number ‘Friday Morning—Part 1-All’

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Convention Theme Scripture:
Give us more faith”​—Luke 17:5

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Featured Video: “2021 Powerful Faith ‘Christian Convention’: Friday Morning Session—Part 1” See the form below to enjoy this Whole Video from the start: The full day’s convention video us available upon request from our Contact us page. Request video: ‘Friday Morning—Part 1-All’.

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[End of Christian Convention Talk 2c]

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