Convention Talk 2b

BibleSnippet 40:
Powerful Christian Faith Convention Video Talk 2b

Is God responsible for producing the Bible? Moreover, is it inspired by God? In short, if God is responsible for the Bible, it would be very disrespectful for us to deny that it was written by Him. In addition, we could find ourselves actually in opposition to God. For that reason, isn’t it worth taking a 20-minute break to look at the evidence of God being its author. Watch the 2021 Convention Talk 2b and see for yourself. You may be totally surprised at the evidence presented.

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View this video here: Why We Have Faith in God’s Word

Note: This four-part series will cover the real evidence that 2a) God exists. In addition, it also shows 2b) evidence that the Bible is truly God’s word, and 2c) shows how following God’s moral standards really is the best way of life, finally, 2d) concludes by presenting strong evidence of God’s love for mankind. In conclusion, I know you’ll enjoy all four-parts of this series

Skip the scriptures mentioned in this talk, [Takes you directly to the Video link below].
Summary of The Scriptures Used In 2021 Convention Talk 2a

At Video Timestamp: 1:03:05
1 Thessalonians 2:13 “Indeed, that is why we also thank God unceasingly, because when you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in you believers” How does God’s word work in us? This question is answered here.

At Video Timestamp: 1:04:12 Three Lines of Proof That Builds Faith in God’s Word

There are three lines of proof the builds faith in the Bible. Below are the scriptures used in this part.

At Video Timestamp: 1:04:27 1) God’s Prophecies Recorded in the Bible

Isaiah 44:27-28 “The One saying to the deep waters, ‘Be evaporated, And I will dry up all your rivers’; The One saying of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, And he will completely carry out all my will’; The One saying of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ And of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid.’” Here, in this prophecy, the Bible tells us two hundred years in advance the details of the fall of Babylon.

Isaiah 46:10 “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, And from long ago the things that have not yet been done. I say, ‘My decision* will stand, And I will do whatever I please.’” God here makes it very clear that when He tells of a future event—it will happen without fail.

At Video Timestamp: 1:06:51 2) What The Bible Says About the Earth

Job 26:7 “He [God] stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing” The Bible recorded this true statement some 3,500 years ago. Subsequently, it wasn’t until 1687 that a scientist by the name of Isaac Newton proved this Bible statement to be true. He proved that an invisible force held the earth in place, making it appear as though it was hanging on nothing.

At Video Timestamp: 1:08:01 3) The Bible’s Survival Over Thousands of Years

Isaiah 40:8 “The green grass dries up, The blossom withers, But the word of our God endures forever.” Here God declared some 2,750 years ago that He would never allow His word to be removed from the earth and He hasn’t. This is in spite of all the effort from man, over this time, to have it removed.

Video: 1:08:46 “Offers additional evidence that the Bible is God’s word

At Video Timestamp: Video 1:08:46 – The Bible – A Book of Historical Facts

Genesis 3:15 “And I [God] will put enmity between you [Satan’s world of ungodly demons and men] and the woman [God’s heavenly organization, including faithful ones here on earth] and between your offspring [Satan and his demons] and her offspring [God’s earthly organization would produce a seed, namely Jesus our lord]. He [Jesus] will crush your head [a death blow to Satan and his organization], and you [Satan] will strike him [Jesus] in the heel [This happened to Jesus here on earth when he was put to death]” Why not study this in detail by making a timeline of each event in the Bible relating to this first recorded prophecy by God. It will be so faith strengthening to see how God brought this about one detail at a time throughout His word.

end 1:14:35

Now, Enjoy This Convention Talk 2b (part 2)
Timeline Spot: 1:02:16

Why We Have Faith in God’s Word
(Isaiah 46:10)

The Video(s) Timestamp for this part are:
Video 1  1:08:46  Historical evidence of why we can put faith in the Bible

VIEW: [Sorry, in order to comply with Copyright request, we removed this link; however, you may attain a direct link to this video, free of charge, via email upon your request. Simply use our Contact us link, located at the top of this page, and request Video ‘r21_1_Video’]

Convention Theme Scripture:
Give us more faith”​—Luke 17:5

How to Read and Use the Green-Timestamps Provided Above TIMESTAMP-LINKS:Firstly, timestamps listed above allow you to view this Powerful Faith ‘Christian Convention’ one public speaker part at a time. Secondly, it documents each segment of the video, making it easy to locate any part you may need by visiting this page day or night. (see below).

Additional Timestamp Information For This 2021 Convention Talk 2b

These timestamps are best used on a laptop or desktop computer because your cell phone does not pop-up the time as you slide your finger across the video timeline. In such a case you have to guess the position and that is much harder to do.

Note: If the link to the video is on your cell phone, and you wish to watch it on your computer, simply have the sender send it to your email inbox.

Featured Video: “2021 Powerful Christian Faith! Convention: Friday Morning Session—Part 2” Click the Link Below and Enjoy: [Sorry, in order to comply with Copyright request, we removed this link; however, you may attain a direct link to this video, free of charge, via email upon your request. Simply use our Contact us link, located at the top of this page, and request Video ‘r21_1_Video’]

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[End of Convention Talk 2b]

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