
BibleSnippet 38:
A Christian Convention about faith. In the Chairman’s Address, linked below, you’ll find Bible’s answers to the questions, “What is Faith”, “Why is Faith so Important”, and “How Faith Empowers Christians. So if possible, be sure to follow along in your copy of the Bible and pause the video if you need more time to look up the scriptures presented.

Move to Another Part: You are at: Talk 1



Convention Theme Scripture:
Give us more faith”​—Luke 17:5

How to Read and Use Timestamps Highlighted in Green Above

TIMESTAMP-LINKS: Firstly, timestamps listed above allow you to view this Powerful Faith ‘Christian Convention’ one public speaker part at a time. Secondly, it documents each segment of the video, making it easy to locate any part you may need by visiting this page day or night.

Additional Information Regarding Our Page Timestamps

These timestamps are best used on a laptop or desktop computer because your cell phone does not pop-up the time as you slide your finger across the video timeline. In such a case you have to guess the position and that is much harder to do.

Note: If the link to the video is on your cell phone, and you wish to watch it on your computer, simply have the sender send it to your email inbox.

The 2021-Powerful-By-Faith-Convention-Talk-1 On Video


This Snippet (38) provides you with the needed timestamp to move to any segment of the program’s video you wish quickly by placing your mouse-pointer on the video slider-bar-line and clicking on the line when the right time appears in the popup. Thereafter, that’s all there is to it, (note: don’t try to move the slider-dot to the right position. Simply move your mouse along the timeline slider of the video and click when the right time appears. First, look for the segment you wish to watch, note the time need for that segment, then click the hyperlink. Also note that the timestamp needed is listed in the green highlighted areas, or in the blue program’s hyperlink, after the brief explanation and/or notes of the parts below. Example of timestamps below: 12:36 indicates 12-minutes 36-seconds into the convention video).

skip to Talk-1

  • Listen to a Beautiful Musical-Presentation (presented in different languages to show our worldwide brotherhood)

Video Timestamp:     00:00    Musical-Presentation:

From the Beginning of the Video:  00:00 

  • Next the Opening Song: Song No. 5 (God’s Wondrous Works) and Prayer (pause the video for a personal prayer here. You may ask God for “clear understanding” and for Him to please help you pay more than the usual attention to the things heard in this program)

Video Timestamp:     10:40    Opening Song and Your Own Home-Prayer Afterwards:

God’s Wondrous Works  10:40 


HOW POWERFUL IS FAITH? by: Mark Sanderson

Session 1a: This talk explains what Christian faith is, why it’s so important to have, and how we can build it. Brother Mark Sanderson (GB) answers these questions in this enthusiastic talk. (Matthew 17:19, 20;  Hebrews 11:1)

Scriptures used: Hebrews 11:1  Hebrews 11:6 Romans 4:20


Highlights from this segment of his talk: Faith is not just the belief in God and his Son, it’s much more… You won’t want to miss these points.

Video Timestamp:     13:23    Click Below and go to 13:23 For The Beginning of This Segment:

Talk-1-Part-a Chairmen’s Opening Address beginning at:  13:23 

Next-Part: Talk-1b—HOW IMPORTANT FAITH IS FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY? by: Geoffrey Jackson

Session 1b: Brother Sanderson pauses his talk for a moment in order to give us a real treat. Consequently, he introduces a recorded-message from brother Geoffrey Jackson (GB) Initialed: HOW IMPORTANT FAITH IS FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY based on Matthew 17:20.

Highlights from this segment: This segment shows from the Bible how Christians are commanded to have faith. Some scriptures used are Hebrews 11:6 which says in part “without faith it is impossible to please God” Romans 1:17 also says “the righteous one will live by reason of faith” and 2 Corinthians 1:24 informs us that “it is by your faith that you are standing”. Moreover, Colossians 1:3-4 shows how thankful we should be to have a brotherhood of godly people with such faith. Also, the world can wear down our faith and the purpose of this convention is to strengthen our faith. Then the speaker invites us to enjoy this well-oiled dish of spiritual food and allow God to make you powerful By Your Faith.

Video Timestamp:     21:40    Click here and go to 21:40 for brother Geoffrey Jackson’s talk-1b:

Talk-1-Part-b Geoffrey Jackson’s talk beings at: 21:40

Session 1c: Next—Brother Mark Sanderson Continues: with WHAT IS THE POWER OF FAITH?

He begins by inviting us to go to: Matthew 17:19, 20; which Jesus there tells us that, with strong faith, “nothing will be impossible for you“. Then he list 6-things our strong faith does for us.

Video Timestamp:     26:30     Click here and go to 26:30 for Brother Mark Sanderson, as he continues with:

Talk-1 Part-C: WHAT IS THE POWER OF FAITH? at: 26:30

2021-Powerful-By-Faith-Convention-Talk-1 – Six Benefits of a Strong Faith:

1) Faith opens up our personal relationship with God. The stronger our faith the closer our relationship will become.

The speaker then tells us what it means to have this grand privilege of prayer.

Video Timestamp:     27:51 The Privilege of a Personal Relationship with God 27:51

2) Faith moves us to obey God without hesitation. Give up –drugs, tobacco, alcohol, immoral lifestyle because of their faith. Yes, Powerful-by-Faith!

Video Timestamp:     29:05 Moves us to Obey God Without Hesitation

3) Faith moves us to tell others about God’s Kingdom. 2 Corinthians 4:13 faith causes us to tell others.

Video Timestamp:     30:55 Faith Moves Us to Tell Others About God’s Kingdom

4) Faith brings blessings from God. Many times after healing someone of faith Jesus would say: Go, your faith has made you well. Mark 10:29-30  reminds us that our faith brings the blessing of everlasting life.

Video Timestamp:     33:15   Faith Brings Blessings From God

5) Faith helps us fight off Satan’s attacks. Ephesians 6:16 our faith shields us from “all the wicked one’s burning arrows” 1 Thessalonians 5:8 the “breastplate of faith” that protects our heart.

Video Timestamp:     35:42   Faith helps us fight off Satan’s attacks.

6) Faith gives us direct communication with God through Jesus Christ our lord. Mark 11:24

Video Timestamp:     37:38   Faith helps us Direct Communication With God.   


Brother Sanderson, after considering the Six Benefits of Having a Strong Faith, then sums up what the power of faith really is. Moreover, he speaks about the results of strong faith and states that we’d all have to agree now that faith is indeed powerful, because it makes things that seem impossible to men become realities to those having true faith in God. Yes, faith is not simply believing in God, but faith is knowing that no matter what God says in his word, it will indeed happen.

Video Timestamp:     38:44   Summery of the Six Benefits of Having a Strong Faith

HOW CAN WE BUILD UP OUR FAITH? Conventions program highlights: A summary of our 3-day convention program. With: A short preview of the videos we’ll see. He shows us that at John 6:40  Jesus said; “everyone who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life” What a gift our faith will bring. And then he concludes with John 3:36 “The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life

Video Timestamp:     39:22   Summary of Our 3-day Convention Program

BibleSnippet 38 Featured Video: “2021-Powerful-by-Faith-Convention-Talk-1:” Click the Link Below and enjoy the entire video:

End 2021-Powerful-By-Faith-Convention-Talk-1

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[End of Powerful-By-Faith Convention Talk 1]

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