BibleSnippet 24

BibleSnippet 24:
Who are the Anointed of God Today
How do they differ from other church members? Does God really have two groups of Christians serving him today? If so, what reward does each group receive for remaining faithful to Christ Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God?

Jesus said; “And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those too I must bring in, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.”—John 10:16

He also told this small group to “Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.” —Luke 12:32

The Anointed Explained

The Anointed appeared, or began their anointing, on the day of Pentecost 33 CE (–see Acts 2:1). This smaller group has always been assigned a special purpose within God’s Kingdom, or government arrangement. Therefore, God Anointed them for this assignment, making them the “Anointed” of God today.

Just as any other government… God’s Kingdom has its Royalty, with Jesus being the top Royal leader of God’s Kingdom. Royalty is naturally at the top of any government; therefore, the little flock spoken of there in Luke (above), are government leaders, and is chosen by God for just that purpose—as top government leaders of God’s Kingdom.

They are the Anointed of God’s Kingdom government. Royal Government Leaders. This fact alone makes them Royals. The Bible actually refers to them symbolically as “kings”, who are “setting on thrones”, judging God’s people here on earth during the 1,000 year reign of these Royals (see Luke 1:33; Luke 22:28-29; Matthew 19:28; Revelation 20:4; Revelation 3:21-22).

The Common People

Also, just like any other government… God’s Kingdom has its commoners, or the common people within God’s government. The Bible refers to them as a “Great Crowd” (see Revelation 7:9). There, in Revelation, this great crowd lives on the earth—but are symbolically pictured as “standing before the throne and before the Lamb”, or standing before these Royals with palm branches in their hand.

The palm branches further symbolizes their total submission to these Royals. The great crowd are all “non-royals” or the commoners, of which, the Bible also refers to them as the “meek” or “mild tempered” ones of the earth, who follow Christ Jesus. They will live on earth during the 1,000 year reign of Jesus, and his little flock, who will rule over the earth from their heavenly position with Jesus.

How Can We Be Sure?

Ps 37:10-11 speaks of these meek and their reward, after the wicked are no more. So this is no doubt a prophecy about a future time when the meek will be living on earth during the 1,000 year reign of Christ. Psalms there says, in part; “…the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” Then, verse 29 further clarifies that statement by saying; “The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.” So the meek are the righteous common people, living on earth, and the little flock are the Royals, living in heaven with Jesus as Kings, and are pictured as if they were sitting on thrones.

Yes, all of this, the little flock or Royals, and the great crowd or meek, are all part of God’s original purpose to restore the Garden of Eden to earth. Adam lost the Garden of Eden, that beautiful paradise he was assigned to spread throughout the entire inhabited earth (Genesis 1:28). But God allowed Jesus to buy that paradise back with his very life-blood. And the Kingdom message Jesus taught his followers to preach tells of when Jesus will restore Eden back to earth, with his Father’s full blessings.

Since we now know, from the scriptures herein, that everyone in God’s Kingdom can’t be Royals, and therefore rule with Christ in heaven, we need to learn who the Anointed of God are today? How do they know they are Royals, and how should the meek treat them. Today’s BibleSnippet offers two Podcasts that will clarify these two groups for you even further. These two Podcasts will really help you begin understanding the Bible as you read it. You’ll see when it’s speaking to the meek and when its message is directed to these Anointed Royals.

1 – Entitled: “The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit” Click Below:

2 – Entitled: “We Will Go With You” Click Below:

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– “Who are the Anointed of God Today…” –.
That’s the title of today’s short BibleSnippet. It shows the different between the “MEEK” that Jesus said will inherit the earth, or live on earth forever, and the “LITTLE FLOCK” that will go to heaven and live with Jesus. This is an eye opener you will not want to miss! It will really help you understand the Bible better as you read it.

If this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that will, (text sent by a loving friend or an acquaintance who cares, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend” Prov. 27:17).

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Christian love —Doug.


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