BibleSnippet 21

BibleSnippet 21:
Do You Know Jehovah…
Most Christian today believe they know God, but do they “know him” or “know of him”? What does it mean to really know the God of the Holy Bible? The book of Psalms makes a powerful statement:

Those knowing your name will trust in you; you will never abandon those seeking you, O Jehovah.​—Ps. 9:10.

Today there are millions worldwide who know His name, trust in Him, and know God to be the trusted friend that He is.

But there are many who believe God exists but do not really know Him. So what does it mean to know Jehovah? Moreover, what can we learn from faithful men of God, such as Moses, and King David, about building a strong relationship with Him? The Podcast we have chosen today will answer these questions.

Click the hyperlink below and enjoy listening:

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How to Send This BibleSnippet 21

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– “Do You Know Jehovah…” –
That’s the title of today’s short BibleSnippet. If this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that will, (text sent by a loving friend or perhaps a person who knows you and cares enough to send it).

Click the hyperlink below to check it out:

When reading the Bible seems overwhelming, you might consider reading our daily Snippets. Meanwhile, if it be God’s will, may He bless your day, and may it prove to be a great one.

Christian love —Doug.


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