BibleSnippet 14

BibleSnippet 14:
Refreshment From Jesus

Jesus has extended a warm invitation to each one of us. Moreover he says, “Come and take my yoke”. While most people think his yoke is way too heavy to carry, the reality is—it’s not. To clarify, that idea comes directly from Satan, who tries to keep us away from God’s refreshing care.

Jesus says: My yoke is kindly, and my load is light.​—Matt. 11:30.

So what is involved in accepting this yoke? Consider listening to the Podcast “Come to Me, . . . and I Will Refresh You”. Thereafter, it will remind you of how easy it is to be refreshed by Christ Jesus under God’s wonderful care.

Click the hyperlink below and enjoy:

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Yes, each time you take the time to send a friend a phone-text of our daily snippet you are doing the work of an evangelizer, even if you only send one a week. What a great feeling that is!

How to Send This BibleSnippet 14

It’s really easy… Firstly, copy and paste the hyperlink below. Secondly, be sure to copy its message as well. Thirdly, place it in a phone text to a friend. Then most importantly, hit send… and it’s done.

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– “…Before the End Comes?” –
That’s the partial title of today’s short BibleSnippet. If this title-subject doesn’t interest you, you may soon receive one that does, (text sent by a loving friend).

Click the hyperlink below to check it out:

When reading the Bible seems overwhelming, you might consider reading our daily Snippets. Meanwhile, if it be God’s will may He bless your day, and may it prove to be a great one. Christian love —Doug.


Read More  Doug’s Bible Snippet Blogs:
Our BibleSnippet Blogs began publishing on July 1, 2021. Therefore, you may wish to view more of these well planned Bible thoughts. If so, click the link below to browse our blogs

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