How the Fall of Jericho Affects Lives Today

Last Updated to Our Blogs: Dec 11, 2020 | The Fall of Jericho

Blog No. 1.1.1 – 8/17/2020.
Bible Affects Lives Series

Bible Effects Our Lives
How The Fall of Jericho Affects Christians Today.

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The Title of This Blog Is: How the Fall of Jericho Affects Lives Today

Nomads Find Their Homeland | The Fall of Jericho

1 Imagine you are a member of a nation of nomads who has been wondering the desert plains for the past 40 years. Because of this you have been hot and dusty as far back as you can remember and finding food and water has been an everyday miracle. Also to make matters worse most of the Kings in the cities you come across want you dead. The God you serve is the only reason you are alive.

Bible Nomads At Jericho
40 Years Wondering in the Desert.

2 Your nation has never had a homeland. But most importantly ​—there it is just across the Jordon River, the land your God is about to give to your Nation. A land that flows with milk and honey. However, just across the river stands mighty Jericho, which is a huge obstacle standing in the way.

Crossing The Jordon River at Jericho
A Beautiful Homeland Awaits God’s People.

Nomads Are Terrified To Face Jericho

3 The Leaders of your nation have already agreed. It will be suicide for nomads such as us to go against these Goliath like people. Deuteronomy 1:28 tells us they were terrified by saying. — “What kind of place are we going to? —They are a people greater and taller than we are, and their cities are great and fortified to the heavens”. Yes, you really want the land; but, it terrifies you to think about fighting Jericho to get it.

Crossing The Jordon to Face Jericho
It’s Suicide For Us to Go Against Jericho.

4 But why is God asking you to face Jericho in this manner? To clarify this, at John 17:3, Jesus –in prayer to his father, gives us a hint saying; “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” Therefore, we must ask, can we really know a person without spending time with them? And how do we spend time with God? By private prayer, personal study of His word, and by close association with fellow believers (Hebrew 10:25). Yes, reading and understanding Bible events, such as the fall of Jericho, just as we are doing now.

A Beautiful Sunset Tells Of God's Love
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Coming Soon in Our Upcoming the Fall of Jericho Series

In our upcoming snippets you’ll learn why God asked these tired and worn out nomads to face mighty Jericho. You’ll understand how these events help you to see what a powerful friend God can be when He is by our side today.

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Your Publisher –Douglas.

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